Hell On Earth Pt 4

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*sorry that I haven't written for days, I've been busy with school and work heh. Anyways, enjoy.*

Kamala POV:

My best friend Doreen nearly died by that....thing, I was horrified of what happened to her. I just stood by her side, helping her with anything she needs

Doreen: Kamala?

Kamala: yeah?

Doreen: *coughs* I think my ribs are broken

Kamala: you only have a few cracked ribs, but I'm here Doreen....

Mini: hey, I heard what happened....sorry about what happened love *rubs her hand*

Doreen: thanks Mini *coughs* they hurt so much

Tippy Toe: *squeaks worryingly*

Mini: I know Tippy, it sucks...

Kamala: you can understand him?

Mini: yup, that's how cool I am

DoomSlayer: .....D-Doreen?

Doreen: y-yeah?

DoomSlayer: I'm sorry....for not.... Saving you in....time *takes off helmet*

Doreen: it's ok Slayer

DoomSlayer: call me John....

Kamala: what do we do now?

Kyle: I can take care of her, I know medical stuff anyway

John: good....if I find out you did something wrong....I'll smash your head to pieces, got it?

Kyle: O_O y-yup

Daisy: hey Doreen, you ok?

Doreen: just a few...cracked ribs

Mini: oi, you *points at Jeffrey* what're you doing?

Jeffrey: just....pulling my Shield out of....this things....head *struggles*

Daisy: I'll help *pulls it out*

Jeffrey: thanks a lot *stares at her*

Daisy: no problem *stares at him*

Kamala: ugh, get a room you two

Doreen: *chuckles and coughs*

Marcus: so, you people are superheros or something?

Kamala: yeah, we're from ano-

Marcus: another dimension, I know. Vega told me

Casey: how is she?

Kamala: she's doing....good, she's just sore

Kitty: will she be ok?
(She's Casey's daughter)

Kamala: yup, she'll always have friends here

Kitty: ok *looks at Doreen*

Demon 1: YOU FILTHY HUMANS *charges hand cannon* DIE!!!!

John: *breaks it's neck* not today

Daisy: how did it find us?

Marcus: I don't know

Kyle: we have to get moving, I hear more of them

John: then we....better get moving

*TimeSkip: Communication center*

Marcus: *turns on radio* can anyone hear us? We need help, we're surrounded by hordes of Demons

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