"They are chicken eggs." Dark grunted.

Both Jims glanced at Dark, before looking back to the table. "This just in Jim... the eggs were made by chickens! Incredible. What an Easter miracle."

Dark rolled his eyes, shaking his head, until he noticed another figure in the doorway. Forcing what he hoped was a friendly smile, he gestured to the table. "Good morning Eric."

"Uh... heh... uhm... morning Dark." Eric nodded, squeezing his bandana as he looked at the table.

"Hey Eric!" King grinned. "Come decorate eggs! We got all kinds of stuff!"

"Hi." Eric smiled, slowly making his way over and sat down at the table. "I uh... I've never uhm made... oh, uh... decorated? Decorated. I've never decorated eggs before."

King nodded, reaching over and grabbed the kits, placing them in front of Eric. "I'm making squirrel eggs-"

"Uh... squirrel eggs?" Eric frowned.

"Yeah. Squirrels... but eggs." King grinned, then tapped the boxes he'd put in front of Eric gently. "But you can use these. They have instructions and stuff. Super easy!"

Eric hesitantly nodded, nervously glancing at Dark, then back to King. "What... what if I break the eggs?"

"They are hard boiled." Dark promised. "It will be fine."

King grinned. "Mhm! And you won't break them anyway, just be gentle."

"Alright." Eric nodded, then opened a simple dye kit, following the directions on the back. After a little while, he smiled at King. "How does... uh... how is this?" He asked, showing off an egg that he had dyed blue.

"Cool!" King smiled.

Dark sat back, sipping at a coffee as he curiously watched Google meticulously putting wax on his egg. Yandere wandered in, looking around at everyone in the kitchen before he huffed. "What's happening?"

"Egg decorating." Dark explained.

"Do you want to decorate eggs with us?" King grinned.

Eric smiled. "I uh... I bet Senpai would like one." He suggested, still trying desperately to bond with most of the other house residents.

Yandere lunged forward, stabbing his knife into Eric's egg, splitting it in half, and splintering the blue shell. "Don't tell me about Senpai! I'm the only one who knows about Senpai!" Eric nodded, whimpering and Yandere pulled his knife back, storming out of the room. Eric stared down at his egg, eyes wide and grabbed his handkerchief off the table, wringing it nervously in his hands.

"Do not worry about Yandere." Dark sighed. "He is always a bit... dramatic."

Eric frowned, nodding slightly and King smiled, gently rubbing his back. "Why don't you try again?" He asked Eric, looking over the mess that had been his egg and Eric sadly nodded, reaching for another.

Jim cleared his throat, looking into the camera. "We have just witnessed a very violent attack on an egg. I hope there were no young Jims watching at home. That egg is no longer with us, but the other eggs will egg on!"

Eric smiled as he pulled a yellow egg out of the dye. "This is... it is... it's kind of fun." He exclaimed. King nodded in agreement, gluing pipe cleaner ears and tails on a few eggs he had painted brown.

Wilford Warfstache popped up behind Eric then, grabbing onto the back of his chair. "What are we up to?!" He asked loudly, causing Eric to jump, and the egg to pop off of the dipper tool he was using. The egg rolled across the table, and fell onto the floor when a sickening crunch.

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