What they smell like (preference)

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AN: Prolly just gonna steal my prompts from my GVF book sooo...


Brent: Soap and hair gel

For as long as you can remember he's used the same body wash. The scent of which sticks to him like glue. It smells pretty good so it's not an issue. If you walk past somebody on the street or in a grocery store and they smell like that soap, you automatically assume Brent is nearby. To you it seems that its the soap that smells like Brent, not the other way around. He always seems to smell like his hair gel too, though the brand has changed over time. When his hair was long, sometimes he would put his hair up in a ponytail and slick it back to keep it looking nice while on stage, but that was rare. After he cut it short, it always had gel in it. Even if he didn't have press or anything to do that day, he would slick it back to keep it out of his way. He likes to look good. For you and for himself.  


Zach: Cologne and sometimes the lake

Zach has always been self conscious about the way he smells so he always makes sure he puts on cologne before leaving the house. He's got a really good one that makes you feel warm inside when you get a good whiff. When he's home he spends the majority of his time at the lake. Whether he's fishing, canoeing, kayaking, floating, swimming or just sitting on the dock playing guitar, you know you can always find him there. As a result he generally smells like the lake when he's at home. It's not that he doesn't shower, it's just that the lake just sticks to you when you're in it so much. You know the lake makes him happy and you are not about to ruin that for him, even if he does smell a little fishy sometimes. You just make double sure that he gets a shower before going out.


Eric: Wood and Coffee

You had known him for a very long time. Like, since before he was in Shinedown. Back in the early days, he was a carpenter. He worked long days at housing sites and would come home smelling like whatever he had been cutting that day. You used to be pretty good at identifying wood by the smell because of it, but over time it all just blended together to just smell like wood. He gave up carpentry over ten years ago, but he still somehow smells like wood. He does still work with wood in his free time at home so that probably helps. Sometimes you go on tour with him for a little while and you swear to god he smells like sawdust even two months after he's even looked at a plank of raw wood. You wonder if it's all in your head at this point. Now, the smell of coffee you know is real. He's addicted to the stuff and doesn't even want to quit. He is a real grouch in the morning before he's had a cup or three. Throughout the day he's usually got a to-go cup in his hand. To be fair to him, he drinks a lot more straight up water than he used to, but still. You've tried explaining how expensive his habit is, but he just waves you off. At this  point you've definitely given in. You actually really like the way he always smells like fresh grounds, but you know it's not exactly healthy for him to drink so much.


Barry:  Sweat and beard oil

The man is always sweating. He never stops. He says he just runs a little hot. He sweats just sitting on the couch. He sweats in his sleep. And when he actually works out? Forget it. The thing is, his sweat isn't gross. It doesn't smell bad at all. It just smells like him. In fact, you've never had an occasion to think oof he's ripe!  His other signature scent is his beard oil. He very rarely goes clean shaven, and he likes to take care of himself so he's got a whole little kit of beard grooming supplies. It smells a lot like cedar wood and lavender. You like it and you make sure to tell him. It makes him feel good about himself. You also want to encourage him to continue the use of the beard oil and related products because it makes his beard 300x softer. You really don't like kissing what feels like a scared hedgehog.

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