Endurance Test (Part I)

Start from the beginning

I get out and follow him to the front door. It's damn quiet in the woods. No street noise hits my ears, no other people make noises. Just a soft rush that might come from the nearby river or from the wind sweeping through the treetops. I shiver. The cool night air makes me shiver. I quickly walk up the stairs to the front door.

After Forth closes the door behind him, he types in a numeric code on a gray box. Presumably the alarm system. Which makes me realize again that we are all alone here.
I look around. There is no one to be seen anywhere. Suspicious, I cast a glance through the short hallway and into the living room, which I already know. On the opposite side, there is another door.
While Forth is busy with the alarm and locking the front door, I peek in the other room.

It's the kitchen - and what a kitchen! Huge, made of stainless steel and wood. It looks so tidy and squeaky clean as if there has never been cooked in here.
Why does a single man need a gigantic kitchen?

Through a round arch, it goes into the open dining area with just as chic and expensive decor. In its bay window, a semi-circular, black leather upholstered seat is installed. In front of it is a round glass table.
Nothing, no crumbs, no bottles, no fruit indicates that someone lives here. How strange. Or is Forth simply fussy and orderly? In his car, however, it has looked less tidy.

"Now to you." His voice suddenly sounds behind me. I flinch. The next moment I feel Forth's finger on my butt. He pinches and then drives me in front of him, the elegantly curved staircase to the top.

As I obediently climb up the steps, he strokes my butt and then beats lightly on my butt. "Do you like something to drink?" He asks, just as if we were not just on the way to the bedroom, but sit comfortably together and chat.

On the top step, I turn around so Forth is on par with me. "I would like to have eggnog." I say, as seriously as I can. I look provocatively at the still powerful bulge of his jeans.

At the same time, we burst into laughter. I can not take my eyes off his face. When Forth laughs, he looks even more attractive. The wrinkles in the corner of his eye make him interesting and sexy.

"You are raunchy. Unbelievable! "He just grabs my thighs and heaves me over his shoulder. I scream because I have the steep staircase in front of my eyes, but Forth keeps me safe. He opens a door, and before I know it, I lie on my back on a soft mattress.

Light flares up. It comes from a bar above the bed, so the lighting does not dazzle.
Forth turns a knob on the wall and dims the light. Then he takes his phone out of his trouser pocket and puts it on the bedside table.

Amazed, I look around. Everything in this house seems to be a few numbers bigger. I am sitting on a bed that is so huge that four adults can comfortably sleep in it. It is covered with black silk sheets, which are a beautiful contrast to the bright decor. Above the bed hangs a large abstract picture.

While I am still amazed, Forth kneels on the floor, opens my shoelaces and takes off my shoes. For a moment he almost tenderly massages my cold feet. Mmm, what a treat.
Unfortunately, he rises too fast. "I'm in the bathroom." He points to a second door on one side of the room before disappearing behind it. I hear him washing his hands. But then I do not hear anything anymore. He should have finished by now. Slowly I am getting impatient. Why does he stay in there forever?

Curious, I sneak to the door. It is not locked, so I enter the brightly lit bathroom. It's just as big and classy as the rest of the house, made of marble with lots of glass, a gigantic shower cubicle and a bathtub that rather reminds of a whirlpool with its numerous jets. Only from Forth no trace.
Finally, on the other side of the room, I discover another door that is open a crack.

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