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"Get out" Oli said as he pointed at the door, "What?" I asked and he glared at me. "I said get out, leave Chelsea!" He yelled and I ran into my room and grabbed just my blades then left. I left the house and looked back seeing Oli and Hannah standing at the door watching. I kept walking away thinking Oli would change his mind but he didn't. He had chosen Hannah over me and that's when I knew he didn't care and I would be left alone on the streets with nothing.

Hours passed and I had been walking around the dark streets, I looked like a wreck as I stumbled. I don't even have any money with me, I looked through shop windows seeing families together. They were all smiling and happy and here I was, alone and now homeless. I passed a bench and laid down resting,  I slept there curled up into a ball, it was a cold night in Yorkshire and things could only get worse. I walked to the park and laid down on one of the park benches, tears fell down my face as I closed my eyes. I have no job, no money only my blades and that's it. I wasn't even wearing a jacket and it was freezing but there was nothing I could do about it. I didn't even have my phone on me, well I guess if I wanted to start a new life I could.

The next day I woke up sneezing and looked around I was still at the park, i got up and hugged myself trying to get some warmth. It was freezing, I walked out of the park and down the road finding the corner shop. I looked threw the window seeing people warm and laughing. Then the lady behind the counter caught my eye. She looked over at her co worker and went out the back to the kitchen I guess. I looked down and sighed feeling cold and hopeless then I heard the bell of the door ring. "Hey" a females voice said and I looked up seeing the same lady but she was holding a hot chocolate and a bag with two hot raisin toasts. "No I can't" I said knowing I couldn't afford it. "Don't worry about it take it" she said and I did then she went back inside and I smiled before walking away.

I walked down the path until I found a bus stop and I sat there eating my food that I was given. I drank my hot chocolate and inhaled feeling warmed up inside. I looked at the people passing by imagining what it would be like to not walk alone in this world. When I was finished I cleaned up and left feeling the cold air hit me. I had no jumper and all my stuff was still at Oli's because I left with nothing. I don't even have my phone on me because it's back at that hell hole, bet now Oli's girlfriend has burnt all my stuff. I looked up at the street lights seeing it swap from red, yellow to green. I crossed the road and fiddled in my pocket to find I had a few pounds on me, I looked around and saw a small news agency in the corner.

I peeked inside seeing a man behind the register and a few people inside this late at night. I walked into the news agency and the man from behind the counter looked over at me with a smile. I walked up to the counter and he greeted me, "one bus ticket to Leeds please?" I requested and he typed it into his computer and printed a single ticket and I hand him the coins and in return he hands me the ticket. "Thank you" I said and he showed a friendly smile, "be safe" he said and I left the store.

I looked out at the street and made my way to the bus stop, the next bus that was leaving for Leeds was at 12:30am. Another few more minutes before I could get out of London, a four hour bus ride. I waited at the bus stop sitting on the seats in the cold, I looked over seeing a group of boys and girls laughing and holding each other close. They looked like they were all couples having a fun night, I looked down the other way of the road seeing the bus approaching. I boarded the bus showing my ticket and making my way to the back of the bus to take a seat and get comfy for the 4 hour ride to Leeds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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