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As I woke up from my sleep, I realized it was nearly night. I sat down on the floor while hugging my knees, thinking how thirsty I am.

I waited for the sun to set completely with tired eyes.

And as the rays of the sun can't be seen anymore, I stood up. Went outside and walked in the lightly illuminated alley.

My throat's starting to feel really dry.

I need a drink.

I turned around as I hear commotion.

Right up the alley, there are men chattering and bottles clinking.

Just what I need.

I walked right up to them, minutes later I came back, with blood on my cheeks. I licked it clean.

Well, I didn't tell you what happened because I hate people watching me as I suck my prey dry.

Bloodshot, LoveshotWhere stories live. Discover now