chapter 11 | our moment

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Minseo's POV

Chanho: "Eomma! Can I play with noona again?"

Mom: "If noona's okay with it."

Minseo: "Of course. Anytime. I can babysit him anytime if you want me too. Or just to play with him. It was a fun experience for me as I love kids."

Mom: "That's a relief."

Minseo: "Anyway, eommoni. Are you at the center right now?"

Mom: "Yes."

Minseo: "Great. We'll be there in ten minutes."

Mom: "Thank you so much."

Minseo: "Not a problem. Well, then. I'll have him on the phone still just in case, you're still worrying."

Mom: "Alright. Thank you."

I hand the phone to Chanho as he continues to call his mom. I held him on my hips and tried to keep him steady so it's not bumpy for him to hold my phone. He sure is able to talk a lot for a four year old. After a while, we finally reached the center. I see a young woman about in her thirties run over.


"EOMMA!" I place Chanho down and let him run to his mom. He safely runs into his mom's arms. They hug for a bit as I looked at them. They're so cute. They must be such a happy family. The mom stands up holding Chanho and looks at me.

"You must be Minseo."

"Ahh yes." I said holding out my hand. She shakes my hand.

"So which one of you is her boyfriend?" She says. I look at Taehyung as everyone looked really confused. I recalled Chanho telling his mom about him so I point at Taehyung. Everyone gives me a weird face but I ignore them hoping they would understand and let me explain later.

"Thank you so much. It's more expensive here. I'll pay for it." She says taking out her wallet from her purse. I stop her.

"No. It was really fun. Actually. Chanho is going to grow up to be a nice kid. Really. We're not asking for anything. The only thing I would need is for you to watch him more carefully." I said and she nods completely understanding.

"Of course. Of course. Chanho, let's thank them." She says setting him down. She bows multiple times as Chanho cutely bows before tumbling over. I run over to him and stand him up before seeing his mom wide eyed.

"Sorry. Instincts. Being with him for more than an hour just got me really protective." I said backing away. Taehyung suddenly holds my hand making me look up to him. I try to let go of it but he held it tight so I sighed and gave up.

"You seem like more of a good mother than me." She says chuckling and I smile.

"Of course not. Chanho loves you. He told us a lot of good stories of you." I said and she bows once again.

"How old are all of you?"

"Umm.. About 20 and some 21." I said and she nods.

"I see. Again, thank you. Umm.. If you really meant taking care of him, I'll leave you as a contact. Maybe Chanho can talk to you every now and then." She says and I nod instantly.

"Of course. Chanho-ah." I said as he walks over. I crouch down as Taehyung finally lets go of my hand.

"You want to take a selca with me?" And he nods walking over to me. We take a selca with just us two and one with the mom and one with all of us together that the festival center guy took for us.

"Alright. We have to go now, Chanho. It was so fun being with you. Call me anytime, okay? And noona will come and get you anything you want." I said and he giggles. The mother again thanks us before she walks away with her son that she will never let go. I sigh tiredly and notice Taehyung sneaking his hands with mine again. This time, not hesitating, I take it. I mean, Taehyung is my boyfriend after all. We both turn around and see everyone judging us.


"Wait. We were here the whole time, right?" Yoongi say squinting his eyes like a grandpa.

"What the heck did we miss?" Namjoon says squinting his entire face making him more like a grandma.

"So you guys are what? Back together?" Jin says confused.

"Wait, what?" I say.

"You two." Hoseok says pointing at the both of us. I looks at our hands and immediately let go. I laugh it off before asking him if I could piggyback ride him. He crouches down before I hop onto him.

"We're friends." I said and as soon as I said that, Taehyung drops me.

"No. I'm your boyfriend. You know what?  I've had enough of this. None of these guys are your boyfriends besides me. Okay? And I can prove it to you." He says and grabs my neck before kissing me. He supports the kiss by holding my waist as I slowly close my eyes. It took me a while to realize what I was doing but once I did, I push him away.

"Okay. I am so confused right now." I said looking down at the floor.

"You are?" Jimin says looking more confused.

"Please.. Just date me again. I hate going to sleep without you." He says and I looked at him.

"Wait, have I lost my virginity?" I said just curiously. I guess they would know. I mean they are my best friends. Right?


"Wait, really?" I said shocked. Everyone started to 'ooh'.

"She doesn't even remember that. Sucks for you, Tae." Yoongi says moving around and dancing weirdly.

"You lost it with me. In fact, if I have to prove to you that we were serious. You almost got pregnant one time. We were so worried you did. But I mean. Well.. You're weren't. So.." Taehyung says. I look up at him before looking over to the guys.

"Just date him." They all said hooting. Jungkook seemed okay with it. Why not?



"I mean.. I'll give it a try.""


"Yeah. I mean. If I really lasted that long with you, it must have meant I loved you a lot. Right?" I said and he nods before hugging me until I couldn't breathe.

"You won't regret it." He says and I gasp for air.

"Yah! Let me go. Or you might squeeze the new memories out of me again." I said hitting his chest. He lets go making everyone burst into laughter. I look at them and laugh along. I guess this group really is like family.

"Chanho can come hang out with us again, right?" Jimin says and I nod. They all smile as we got ready to leave. It felt like everything happened so fast but none of us knew we stayed actually for five hours. It was actually fun. Yes, we barely did anything for the first two hours and a half but it was still fun.


When a little kid can change everything...

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