The Beginning

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Wilfred St'Night

Storms cry out in the night sky as if pleading with me not to continue this plan of mine. Zipping up my final suitcase, this one much larger than the other eight, I tie them together with the rope I bought six months ago when I first devised this brilliant plan and ranked on the very top of the leader board for most wanted.

Murdering in this day and age is nearly impossible, even if you have all the money in the world, and brains like mine, but I guess when a "serial killer," is now shown on all forms of media and your victims are being displayed everywhere you look, you need to escape somewhere... Somewhere where no one knows you or what you have done... Where no one can watch you unless in person... Somewhere with new people... new victims.

Going to the Blink 360, the newest and greatest teleportation creation, that is placed in the middle of the floor. The greatest thing about this new model is the fact that it travels with you. So if the need becomes true, I can switch from the time I am going to, to a different. I click the blue button, turning it on. The fluxuatures start to glow as they collect more molecules and take in where it is. Typing into the keypad, 1775, blue little whisps start to escape from valves. They need to completely surround everything traveling in order to be successful, and well, not take any limbs off. Quickly I grab my bag, place them on the platform and stand.

Suddenly a pounding on the door forcing me to draw in a breath while a voice booms out. "PROICASTER POLICE, OPEN UP!" Knowing they are whispering about who is about to crash my door down, twisting a knob I place my hand on top of a red button.

"Just a few more seconds..." I whisper to myself.

The second all the blue whisps get into place, the red button shines. Almost simultaneously as the door comes crashing down, my hand declines on the button, activating the travel.

I hope they feel at a loss. I hope they feel like they are weak and pathetic. I hope they saw my smile as I left them there, finally finding my place of sleep, only to watch me leave them behind. Most of all I hope they fear... Fear of, if or when I come back and who will be my next victim.


Lily-Ann Carter

A loud crack sounds, like that of lightning. Looking up to the sky from the pasture I have snuck off I see that there is not a single cloud that sits in the sky. Quickly I toss the lifeless rabbit I was starting to cut apart into the corn stalks to not be seen until time of harvest. But even then it'll be raked up to a wild animal attack. It always is. I was my hands, then the knife I was using, in the bucket of water I brought and make sure I have no blood on me. After finishing that I tuck the knife under my petticoat for safe keeping. I would already be in a lot of trouble if seen without an escort, and to add blood on my body on top of that. I would be locked away by mother and father until they found a man to marry me off to. And to a room, I couldn't escape out of this time.

I have to go see what that was, what caused that sound. My curiosity is a curse sometimes. I always seem to get myself into quite unwelcomed situations. Picking up my dress so that it will not drag across the soil, dirting it. I quickly make my way through the field to where the sound originated from. Stopping right before the opening I see little blue things floating around. One is close enough I reach my hand out to touch it but miss it by an inch as it floats away from me. I want to feel it. I go after it into the opening and gasp as shock sets in. There in the opening is a man lying in the middle of the ground. All the stalks have been mashed down and appeared to be burnt some. The little blue things floating all around going back into this odd silver box that is next to the man, along with these weird wood stumps with a rope through them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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