"Jaune." Trevor said.

"It's fine Trevor. Come let's greet our 'guests'." I said sarcastically. We got ready and moved the dust, people, prisoners and all of the troops in the bunker. Me, Trevor and a few marines and ODST's stayed out to 'greet' the people from beacon. We hid around the base and be able to kill anyone that comes out.

The bullhead landed in the forest before going off back towards beacon. I was in one of the guard towards and saw team CFVY come out of the forest ready to fight. I smiled since they were the only team to stay by my side, even if it gave them flak. If it wasn't for them I probably would have killed myself.

"All units don't fire. They're friendly. But stay hidden" I said as I climbed down the later quietly. Trevor walked next to me since he was guarding the bottom of the ladder for some reason since he had a scope and I didn't. "Follow my lead."

"Okay." Trevor replied. We walked in the open.

"What the fuck are they doing!?" A ODST asked.

"Acting." Trevor replied over comms.

"Bravo how the wounded?" I asked as I noticed the 4 enter.

"They're Good but shaken. We'll send them to the clinic." Trevor said. "The white fang forces are destroyed and we captured 9 of them. While we suffered no casualties at all. We also captured half of ton of dust."

"Wonderful. Let's call the birds for pick up. We'll get the civs better and ask them what they want to do." I said as me and Trevor noticed how they stood shocked. "Also you four can come out from near the gate in the bushes." The 4 walked out of cover and came to us. They looked ready to fight but also relaxed.

"J Jaune. Is that you?" Velvet asked.

"Yeah it is Carrot." I said as I took my helmet off. The four of them looked happy to seek me but also stunned since I grew from 6'0 to 6'6 and grew a lot of muscle. The scar on my face from a energy sword didn't help. Velvet jumped and hugged me.

"I i thought y you d died!" Velvet cried as I hugged her. I looked over to Trevor and nodded.

"Area secure people. Radio get those pelicans here. ODST's guard the perimeter and bring the dust out. Marines guard the civs and the prisoners. I'll guard the dust." Trevor said over comms. When everyone moved the 4 jumped in surprise and got ready to fight.

"Calm down they're with me." I said. They all nodded before Coco got a dark look on her face.

"So carrot huh." Coco teases. Velvet blushed at this before she turned to me. "And you. We thought you were killed. We found your sword and shield covered in blood in the emerald forest. Not to mention how come you look older and with a group of people!"

"Mind answering the question?" yatsuhashi asked.

"It's a long story." I said. I saw the 2 pelicans land and load the civilians and some marines. The 4 wondered what kind of bullhead that was and what type of armor the marines wore. When the pelicans took off they turned back to me.

"Well tell us about your new armor." Coco said.

"Ah well a friend made it for me." I said. 2 more pelicans landed. They started loaded the prisoners and the dust.

"Where are you taking them?" Velvet asked.

"Back to base to be questioned then put into jail." I replied fast.

"Base? You work for Atlas?" Fox asked.

"I would rather cut my dick off and feed it to the Grimm." I replied heatedly.

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