14: Home

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"What's going on man?" I asked Dice as we watched Veronica and Sya go into the store at the gas station. We had finally made it to a stop. A nigga had to pee so bad. Cyrus was nice enough to let us get who knew this nigga had a tablespoon left for other people's wellbeing.

"Man I just don't know who my mom is anymore, she used to fight his ass and not fall into his ways. But she's given up man." He shook his in disappointment. I pulled him into a brotherly hug and patted his back. "She be alright man, I'm pretty sure she can handle her own." I said comforting him.

"Thanks for listening man."

"It ain't nothing."

"Enough about me, how's my sister doing. I haven't had a real chance to talk to her." I wiped my hands across my face, "I don't even know my damn self. She's been so focused on helping out everyone else and she's not helping her own self. That knee of hers is going to cause her a world of trouble is she's not careful."

"Did you tell her?" he asked staring at me. I shook my head. "You've got to she's going to make herself sick, if she ain't already." I nodded in agreeance.

People started loading the buses carrying bags full of stuff. That damn Sya. Her and Veronica came out with their own bags and got on the bus. Michael did a recount to make sure everyone was in check and before we left.

Sya shimmied her pants down to the knee once the lights had went out. "Omg you don't know how long I've been waiting for this-" I began undoing my belt. she stale faced me and shook her head. "No nigga we not about to fuck on this damn bus." I redid my belt and crossed my arms in disappointment.

She opened a bag and pulled out an icey-hot patch and placed it on her bare leg. she opened some Advil and took them dry.

I was so mad that I didn't realized she had pulled her pants back up and was attempting to lay on my chest. "Move your arms!" I rolled my eyes and kept them crossed. She looked at me with that "really nigga" look. She pushed me away and laid on the window and pulled a neck pillow out from the bag to lean on it. I was trying to sleep until I smelled that familiar smell from the open bag.

"Are those-" I started to ask. 

"Yup but your mean ass won't let me lay on you, so you won't be getting none." My jaw dropped. "I'm sorry baby, I will lay in the aisle if that would make your more comfortable, just let me have oneee." I whined. She was silent for a minute and busted out laughing, almost waking the whole bus. "I'm sorry." She pulled the large plastic bag out from under the seat and put it in my lap. it was filling to the top with slim Jim goodness. "But do it again and the slim Jim's won't be the only thing you won't be getting."

She scares me.

She took a sip from a Gatorade while glaring at me. I stopped mid bite and looked at her. I rolled my eyes and pilled our duffle bags on the end of the seat so i could lay sideways without dangling over the edge. I laid my head on her chest and she put a hand up the side of my shirt and rubbed my side. I laid my head in the crook of her neck and rubbed small circles on her thigh.

I miss laying in bed with her in this same position while making her suffer through 3 hours of ESPN or laying there watching her sleep. I wish that's where we were now. I always thank God for letting me have her in my life. Most of all I wish I could've at least saw her while she was pregnant, to talk to her belly or feel it kick. But no Cyrus took it away from me. The only real chance I had to have my own family.

I let the thoughts go and just enjoyed being in the arms of my woman.


August's grip loosened around me, a he drifted off to sleep. The soft music playing overhead and the loud hum of the bus must of knocked him out. I'm happy he can sleep because I sure ass hell can't. I leaned down and kissed his pouted lips repeatedly then pulled the blanket to his shoulders rubbing his chest.


The sound of eating woke me up. I rubbed my eyes to see the boys sitting in the aisle eating the bag of slim Jim's with wrappers all over the place and even on me and orange grease around their mouths froze looking at me. "What the hell?" They looked at the nearly empty bag. "Really". I took the five that were left and hopped over the seats and sat with EJ. "Nooo, bring them back." micheal cried out from the back of the bus. Me and EJ looked at each other and fell out laughing. A whole bag of snacks and listening to the boys groan about being sick, we stopped. I looked out the window and gasped. We were across the lake from the mansion. I could see the fifteen foot walls from behind the trees. I rushed out of the bus and stopped right at the edge of the water.

I'm home.


yessssssss it's very short ik......


Edited: 10/29/16

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