7: The past

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chapter 7
Sya's POV

Laying as still as possible trying not to move my knee has gotten worse, I need a real doctor, at a real hospital! I got lost in my thoughts trying to take my mind off the pain, it wasn't as bad as before, I wonder where august got the medicine from? I shook it off and began thinking about how I even got to this point.

(Sya age 10)

"Now hold your arms straight and strong." I closed my left eye and pulled the trigger.

"Yes!" I said after making a perfect shot. Me and daddy are in the backyard practicing. My dad always preparing me for danger allll the time. He always talks about people coming after him, mostly he talks about a man that was after us because of what my father does. I don't really understand why they can't get along.

"Remember only shoot a gun if someone is really hurting you. Don't just go shooting it all willy-nilly. Never shoot because you're mad or you feel like shooting it, that would be very wrong." I rolled my eyes "Daddy you've told me that a million times already".

He chuckled softly with rubbing the top of my head.

"I know baby, but guns aren't a play toys, they can really hurry someone." He kissed the top of my head. "Now enough of that whining and shoot the rest of these bottles. I want you to aim for the neck." I pulled the shiney rose gold desert eagle from my holster, admiring my mothers name ingraved in cursive on the side. I held it steady and took a deep breath.

1,2,3. I counted to my self.




I looked at my work, not a single one missed. "Good job G." Avery spoke while clapping, I turned around and gave a award winning smile. "Good job baby." My father took the gun putting the safety on and sets it on a table. "Alright lessons are over for today. Lunch is on the way, hurry so go get cleaned up". Avery said helping me take the light pink holster from my shoulders.

Once he was in the house, my dad and I were finally alone and I had am important question to ask him.

"Daddy why did mommy leave?" He sighed and sat on the fresh cut grass and patted his lap. I sat down and waited as he found the words to speak. He adjusted his eyepatch and looked at me.

"Your mom was a good women but she uhhh.... she was ding some bad things that weren't good for our family. So I had to send her away so mommy and the people she was don't the bar things with wouldn't hurt you." He looked down and put my small hands in his. I looked at him and saw tears. I had never seen him cry before, not even when he was laughing. I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed his nose. "I love you daddy." He laughed and wiped his tears. "I love you too baby." He took this ring that he always wore on his pinky and put it on my left ring finger.

"This is your mom's, she took everything but left this. I have this to her when I asked her to marry me, now I want you to have it." I stared down at it. "That was the very first thing I got your mother when I first started making all this." he said as he looked at his huge backyard. At that point I had never been out side the house.

I was always fenced in by 15 foot tall walls surrounding the large land we lived on. I sighed at the thought.

"Come on let's go eat." He said as he threw me over his shoulder pretending to bite at my side making me giggle.

four years later...
(Sya age 17)

Shooting the moving targets while running and flipping I grew tired. Avery sat in a lawn chair with lemonade on the stand next to him turning the course off with a lush of a button. He clapped like he always does. I turned around flashing him my braced smile.

After that conversation with my father a few years back, the lessons got harder and he stopped coming after a while. So it would be just me and Avery. I believe it's because of what happened two years ago with Cyrus, my old bodyguard. I thought he was dead after he tried to hurt me but apparently he's alive and well. He's been sending messages to us, directed to me, about how he's going to get me back and all this and all that. So my dad has put me in all kinds of of defense classes just in case his bark has bite.

"You know Cyrus has been threatening a lot more lately causing your father to do anything in his power to protect you." I sighed wiping the sweat from my brow. "I understand I just miss him that's all."

"All this will stop one day and it'll be back to normal I promise."

"I hope you're right."

"Remember you might be what stops all this, one day you'll have to give in and kill him remember?" I squinted my eyes at him. "You know you're my only friend and my best friend at that? you would tell me the real reason why this shit is happening right?" I asked side eyeing him.

He laughed nervously.

"Yes i would but I only know just as much as you do." I nodded and sipped my lemonade.

"anyways how's Gerald?" I asked chanting the subject. Gerald is Avery's husband.

"He's wonderful, we finally might be getting the baby." He said with his eyes full of hope. Avery and Gerald wanted a baby so bad so they decided to adopt a baby recently. I love their relationship, hopefully one day I'll have one like it.

Flashback over...

Present day (Sya age 20)

There was a heavy knock on the door causing me to jump. "Dammit" I groaned to myself fixing my knee back. I looked up and and saw August carrying a bottle of water, he pulled two pills from his front pocket and handed them to me. He's been sneaking me Medicine for two weeks now. He kissed me and pulled me into a warm hug. He looked down at my knee.

"I'm sorry." He said holding my right hand.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault, all this training and shit I did when I was younger was for nothing, I think all this has to do with that women... I think it might be-"

"Your mom?" I nodded as he finished my sentence.

"It could be possible, the pictures on the walls at home of her are old but she-she looks a lot like her." I said in a yawn. I rubbed his hand my with thumb.

"Get some rest we can talk about this later." He kissed my lips. "I don't want to put more stress on you but... I now Cyrus was gone longer than expected but he comes back tomorrow night." I shot up.


"You got to get his attention tomorrow, the plan must go on, so i can get you out". I nodded

"I guess I have no choice but to be ready."


A little background on Avery...

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