Chapter One

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She took slow breaths, the late autumn air warming her lungs while a feeling of absolute peace appeased her entire body. She was sure that no other place on earth could make her any happier and because of her beloved family and the strength of her wolf, she was able to heal herself. The gentle winds of the early morning whispered tales of mystery, evoking a passion from deep within her bones. 

She loved it out here, where it was wild and primitive and there were no boundaries on how far she could explore or track her prey. There were no humans to destroy the earth but simply miles upon miles of rugged, breathtaking mountains and valleys that spun intricate patterns in the earth. Soon, the land would be quieted by the snow and she would enjoy reading in her small but cozy library.

A quiet rustle of leaves drew her attention and she sat up to find her Betas emerging from the forest. They came to stand at her side and she gently bumped heads with Amigo, then she pushed against General and he nipped her ear in return. Instantly, she knew the chase was on. 

General launched forward, disappearing into the thick underbrush, and she spared Amigo a glance before she followed. This was their routine and it one of the closest moments she shared with her Betas. They had an undying passion for the wild and they had grown into very protective brothers to her. She hardly ever treated them as simple subordinates. 

Her heartbeat accelerated in pure excitement and Sekhet came to the surface of her mind with a joyful howl. They raced through the forest at blinding speed, the world but a blur of brown and red in her vision. She heard Amigo swiftly following behind them but he was never as fast as them. She knew that his leg injury from years ago bothered him in such moments. 

She was light on her paws, dashing around rocks and trees, her sleek body effortlessly following her Beta. They always raced the last two miles to the house, it was the best part of her morning, and she was glad that her Betas thoroughly enjoyed it as well. Sunlight kissed the browning earth from between tree limbs and they slipped through the golden rays as they nipped at each other and played as if they were silly pups. 

Reluctantly, she slowed her pace as they burst into the clearing where their home was and her Betas mirrored her. She shifted on the doorstep and slipped on some clothes before opening the door. General and Amigo brushed against her legs as they trotted inside and the smell of delicious bacon awakened her senses. She walked down the hall and suddenly the voices of Remi and Miki filled her ears. They were arguing. She almost rolled her eyes. 

"You make scrambled eggs with milk!" Miki snapped. 

There was a scuffle, then Remi's voice. "Not true. I've always made scrambled eggs plain and simple, just a little butter in the pan." 

"Milk makes them creamier." 

"I don't want them slimy." Remi said and she emerged in the kitchen just in time to see his nose crinkled in disgust. Miki was digging through the fridge and Remi was cracking eggs into a glass bowl. The first ones to notice her presence were the six wolves laying in the living room. Their ears perked up and when she nodded to them, they nodded back. She knew they had a good hunt in the early morning, they had crossed paths briefly. Then her eyes settled on her Gamma, who had paperwork strewn across the coffee table. 

She walked through the kitchen, the two siblings completely oblivious to her because of their arguing and she took a seat beside Fox on the couch. He smiled at her. 

"How was your morning run?" He asked. 

She picked up one of the papers, "Very good, as always. Why are you doing work so early?" 

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