oh miss believer

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Lucy pov

The big day was tommorrow and they had yet to decide who in the guild would be bait and who would attack. Obviously Team Natsu along with Gajeel and Juvia would lead the attack  but who would be there just in case they messed up. Eventually they had come to a decision. Mira, Cana, Levy and Elfman would step in while the rest of the guild acted as bait.

"So Gray, Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Juvia and Gajeel, will attack while its busy" The  master said pushing chess pieces around a map of Petunia.
"Actually Master, I'd like to step out and be bait if that's alright" I asked tentatively raising my hand,
Master Looked again at her In shock, not quite believing what he was hearing
"Are you sure my child, you would really help-"
Master insisted "Oh no no,  I still feel a bit sick so I'd only slow you guys down" Lucy said half smiling, standing quickly from the table,"Hey Lucy where are ya going" Gray who had been sitting next to her called out.

"She didn't know what would happen if she used her magic. She hasn't since that weird dream. In truth she was scared to, what if her magic was different now?" Lucy pushed the large wooden doors to the guild open, sprinting now to her apartment.  A warm wind whipped her hair around her head as she ran alongside the river, and across the bridge. She took the stairs two at a time till she had locked the door behind her. Lucy panted, clutching at her chest "W-what I need now is a bath"

Lucy slithered into the lukewarm water, sinking up to her chin in it, she reached for her favourite mint body wash, squirting it liberally, until the water turned a milky green colour. Lucy shut her eyes and tried to remember the book said, so far all she could make out was 'The book o' and then she blanked. Lucy breathed heavily through her nose in frustration.

"Yo, Luce"
Lucy screamed in fright as her eyes snapped open and a familiar face was sitting a stool just beside the wall, thank fuck the milky coloured bathwater
"Natsu what the hell are you doing in my house..no what are you doing in my bathroom?" Lucy screeched, crossing her arms over her chest.

Natsu snorted glancing at her "I've seen you naked loads of time Luce, this doesn't bother me"
"Well it bothers me" Lucy growled
Natsu rolled his eyes "Anyways, what was that back there, you rushed out really quick" Natsu made a lighting sound and gesture with his hand
Lucy sighed, she might as well tell him "I'm scared Natsu to be honest, i don't feel right after that dream. Neither does my magic, what if I hurt someone. I'll be horrible person, I just-" Gone away with modesty Lucy raised her hands to her eyes, sobbing uncontrollably into them. "Gah, I'm so stupid" She sniffed, peeking a glance at Natsu, who had a look of shock which softened into some sort of pity
Pity? She didn't need pity right now.
"Lucy its okay to be scared, its not  okay to think we'd just abandon you if you hurt someone. Of course we wouldn't Luce, that's how Fairyfail works, that's not how I work. It doesn't matter what you do, I'll never leave your side" Natsu said proudly, his face slowly turning Scarlet red after realising what he said. I rubbed at my nose "Really?"
"Of course really uh yeah ahahah" Natsu said awkwardly, turning his head to the side to hide his now tomato face."
Lucy giggled "You're so stupid"
"Oi" Natsu fumed "Who're you call in stupid huh-" Natsu said leaning forward slightly, tipping his stool over and sending him crashing face first into the water. Lucy didn't even register the fact a guy was in the bath with her and half stood to help him up, exposing herself from the waist up. Natsu dragged himself back onto his chair, coughing.  She took the opportunity to exit the bath and wrap a towel around herself

Natsu POV

Damn that water was toxic, the minty taste invaded his mouth, He felt Lucy heave him out, He started coughing and spluttering. He nudged his soaked hair out of his eyes expecting to see Lucy sitting defensive in the bath. But she wasn't "Luce..?" he said around. His eyes found and stayed on the blond who was now leaning against a door with a towel wrapped around,
"Sorry Luce" He grinned "You got any food?"
"Hmph" Luce turned and stalked out of the room. "I don't have much food but help yourself, I need to change"
Natsu ambled into her kitchen, rifling though the drawers till he found an unopened packet of biscuits. Natsu stuffed a handful of biscuits into his mouth and plopped down into her couch.

Luce came in a couple of minutes later, in her Pajama's.
"Jeez Natsu, you're getting crumbs all over the place" Luce grumbled, taking a few biscuits before sitting of the opposite end of the couch.
"You ready for tomorrow Luce" Natsu said fist pumping the air.
Luce shifted uncomfortably "Nah,I'm going to stay as bait with everyone else"
"Wah, No way" Natsu pouted "Not even for me"  He leaned in whimpering "Get away weirdo" Luce laughed and shoved him away.
'Luce seemed better' Natsu s
Thought as he laughed and joked with the blond, looking back now Natsu wished he had prevented her from going entirely

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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