Likulau: "Master more red now," he pointed out making me wish I could disappear.

Percedal: "Haha They're hilarious!" He exclaimed bursting out laughing.

Eva: "Percedal it's not nice to laugh!" She yelled hitting his head.

Amalia: "They sure are cute though," She said and I could here the smile.

Yugo: "They really are," He agreed.

Ruel: "You could almost swear they're in love. Reminds me of the old days," he said happily.

I Blushed more and more each time they said something cause I just realized they're all watching.

(Y/n): "Shuichi Likulau you are dismissed!" I exclaimed as they disappeared.

Shuichi: "Aww no fair!" He said mentally and I could tell Likulau was pouting.

Yugo: "Hey would you guys like to travel with us?" He asked nicely.

(Y/n): "W-what. Really?" I asked unsure.

Yugo: "Of course! You're all really cool and amazing. Right guys?" He said facing the rest of the group.

Ruel: "Some more friendly faces on the journey wouldn't hurt," he said smiling.

Amalia: "Of course I agree. I think they will be a lot of help too," She said.

Evangeline: "As long as none of them act like Percedal then You'll find no objections in me," She said shrugging.

Percedal: "They're brave warriors who fight for justice. It'd be awesome to fight along side them!" He said excited.

(Y/n): "Shuichi Likulau what do you think?" I asked unsure.

Likulau: "Yes," is all he said.

Shuichi: "Only if they don't try to strangle me again," he said reluctant.

(Y/n): "What about you Lin-hu?" I asked turning to him.

Lin-hu: "I think it would be a good idea," he said after a moment of thinking.

I turned to Yugo and smiled shyly.

(Y/n): "W-where t-t-to Then?" I asked curious.

Yugo: "Oma island!" He yelled excited.

(Y/n): "Then Lets go," I said walking over to Kabrock and Amanda. When I reached them I bowed respectfully. "Thank you for letting me rest in your extra room," I said politely.

Miranda: "Oh it was no problem. Just promise to come again and maybe spend a few kamas," She said waving it off.

(Y/n): "Will do," I said straightening up and walking to the group. "Let's go," I said excited.

We all started walking but I only made it about three steps before I was lifted by my armpits making me squeak. When I was lowered down I was sitting down on Lin-hu's shoulder with his hand on my leg to keep me from falling.

(Y/n): "Uh l-Lin-hu?" I asked quietly hoping the others wouldn't notice.

Lin-hu: "You Just woke up from being unconscious. I'm not gonna let you strain yourself," he explained.

I only just nodded knowing there's no point in arguing with him at this point. And just hoped the others didn't look behind them and realize what he's doing.

Yugo: "Hey I wanna ride," Yugo said landing on Lin-hu's shoulder threw a portal. Dammit. Though while he's here I might as well learn some things.

The feline master (wakfu x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now