Gen smacked her hand against my fridge and groaned.

"Why though?"

I sighed, "I have nothing to stay for. I mean you know what happened. He lived here with me Gen. And as I much as I know I need to forget him. I can't. Not while I'm still sleeping in the bed we used to cuddle in. All those memories......" My voice trailed off.

"You have us." She said softly.

I gave her a small smile, "I know and I thought that's all I needed but....being kidnapped showed me how little our time here on earth can be. I want to step out of this protective shell and actually experience the world."

Gen placed her hand on my shoulder and sighed heavily.  "Its not fair." She breathed.

I looked at her, "Yeah, I know. But life is like that isn't it? Unfair and such?"

I stole a glance at Wes and saw that he looked at me when I said this.

"Guys, all I know is, that too much bad things happens to me when I'm here. I need to get over this and the only way I can do that is by leaving this place."

My best friend ran her fingers through her red hair and looked away.

"I guess you're right.... I mean, its not like you're going away forever, right?" She whispers.

I nod at her. I would definitely come back to visit. And if things don't work out with Azrael, I could always come back to my house.

"And you're sure about this?" slshe questioned.

I nod again.

"You've already thought this ALL through?" She questions again.

I nod again.

She sighs again then shrugs. She leans over and hugs me, crushing my ribs. But I grin and bare it.

"I'll miss you baby." She whispers, her voice cracking at the end.

"I'll call every five minutes. We will never lose contact, Ok Gen?" I say, near tears.

She grinned and nodded. She wipes a single tear from her face then hugs me again.

After a few more minutes, she left.

Wes got up to leave. As he walked through my kitchen and was about to go through the door, I got up.

He wasn't going to say good bye?




"Look, I'm sorry Wes." I called after him.

He stopped but he didn't turn around.

"I know what I did was hurtful but I can't lie to you or my self anymore." I continued.

His shoulders slump but he turns to me slowly.

His eyes looked sad and defeated.

I suddenly had the urge to run to him and hug him. And I did.

I ran into his arms and relished his warm embrace. It would be the last time in a while.

He stroked my hair.

"I'm sorry that I've been so cold towards you. Its just hard when you love someone and they don't love you back." He said softly.

I say nothing as tears well up in my eyes. This was harder than I thought. Much harder.

It felt like I was leaving behind a part of my self. The best parts.

He lifted my chin up and stared into my eyes.

"I know that this will be the last intimate moment I'll have with you...... Can I?" He whispered.

I knew it was the last time too so I nodded.

He smiled as his head dipped slowly down. I smiled too.

Then his lips crashed into mine. Shivers went up my spine as his lips moved in sync with mine.

He gripped my waist, pulling me closer.

I tugged at his hair as his tongue tasted me.

His hands roamed my body blissfully as I moved my lips against his. It reminded me of our first night together.

Soon, we pulled away, breathless.

He grinned at me as I smiled shyly at him.

He whispered in my ear, "You taste so good."

I blushed, that comment wasn't necessary.

"Good bye, Lyla. I will never forget the few intimate times we've shared. Never. Thank you for giving me those sweet memories." He says softly.

He kissed my forehead, then both my cheeks.

He wipes a tear from my face and we stay there in silence hugging each other like our lives depended on it.

I didn't want to leave them behind.

But I pulled away. He kissed me softly on the lips once more.

"Good bye Wes." I whispered sadly.

He took my face in his hands, "Its so hard to leave you Ly so this isn't goodbye. This is see you later." He said, grinning boyishly.

I smiled, "I'll see you later then."

He nodded then stared at me for the longest of times. "I'll never forget your beautiful smile, Lyla. I'll never forget you."

"I won't let you, Wes." I agreed softly.

"Well then, I guess I need to go now."

I smiled and gave him one more hug that breaks my heart.

My spirit sinks as I see him go through the door, he gives me a sad wave then left.

I swallow my sobs and go up stairs for the last bag, when I get down stairs I see Moloch waiting for me.

"Are you ready?" He asks softly.

I nodded, blinking back tears.

He takes my bag and my hand and leads me out. I take one last look at my home.

I switch off the lights and close the door behind me.

I get in the car and watched as my home of 5 years disappeared.

A few tear drops escape as I realised I was really leaving.

Chubbyalejandra 💖

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