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She had no name then. She was only a baby with unique grey eyes able to make shine the night. Her eyes represented hope to anyone watching at them directly. She was so sweet and so beautiful. One of the rare baby who does not cry and observe you. She was already able to understand though her parents were not. Age never defined maturity. She already had no want to be a burden to anyone. She was able to not eat throughout a day and never complained by crying. She was humble though she was not even a meter tall and unable to talk properly. She would always smiled to strangers when she was seated on her balcony. Even her first word was, "Love". The only thing she would lack her whole life. She was like a little angel destined to save that family. 

But she failed.

Mister and Madam Fisher were never known for their good behavior. They were on drugs trip all the time. Even when Madam Fisher delivered to that beautiful baby, she was on LSD. She still qualified that as "The funniest experience" she ever had. Fortunately for the baby, she was not harmed in any way. It was as if the God themselves needed her to live. Even after the birth, the Fisher did not will to stop their addiction. They met in a "rave party" back when they were adolescent. They tried to love each other when they were not stoned but never could. It was only high that they can feel and express their love towards each other. Neither ever saw what they were doing was wrong. Indeed it was okay when there was only both of them. But that little baby who came out from the sin of two adults, never accepted that. She was living with them for two years, more or less. They never bothered to declare her. So she had no name and no birthday. She had no identity. 

What made the Fisher discard their wonderful treasure was their "disinterest" in her. She represents no fun to them. She would not react to drugs or will not talk to them or find a job to help them stay high. She was just a useless doll to them. A doll they never wanted.

It was on a cold winter night that Solange Swinburne found a crying little girl in a bin behind a motel. She had grey eyes. No doubts she was the Fisher's girl. She was covered by, what seems, a tone of used needles. Her light skin tone started to turn to a slight touch of blue. It was a horrific view to any human possessing humanity. The little girl's eyes were filled with tears, simplifying the scarceness which was enclosed in her. She saw that unknown woman whose eyes were lit with hope. What was considered as a miracle for good Solange, signed the start of the nightmare of the little sweetheart. 

Solange Swinburne was already forty when she found the two years old girl. Several years ago she was diagnosed as infertile by doctors all other the world. She tried to cure her without any success. Yet, she was determined to be a mother. She was not able to let go of her childhood dream. She was now too old and nothing could have made her pregnant. But she still was not able to grasp the full of the situation. She tried everything at least twice, but was disappointed each time but medical help. She was so depressed and upset about the world. I guess being a mother was of upmost importance for that woman. It is the confirmation that anyone has succeed in life. A stable family life and a wonderful job. Solange was out of solution, and was near to suicide. 

But on that cold winter night, the God had finally heard her prayers. But being a parent never came with a instruction guide, unfortunately. 

Indeed, Solange had great expectation about being a mom. One thing she was unable to understand is that thing never go the way we wish. She was dreaming awaken. She willed a perfect life, but who could blame her? A doctor, living to help women to deliver their babies and not able to have one of her own. Life is really cruel sometimes. 

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