A Perfect Outlook

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"Blow your candles sweetheart. It is your special moment." Said the lovely voice of the new call mother. She was radiating with love and hope. There were no need to see her bible, on her face alone we could see the faith she placed in God. She was victim of a miracle. A little life, a little fire, to keep alife, to maintain and entertain. This thought was a delight to this newborn mother. Solange had been successful to save the little grey eyes girl from her wound and was even able to make her smile. This was a realy miracle. The pale blue look on her face totally disappeared and even her sadness seemed to have fade away.

On the cake stands one big "3" candle. The cake was high and full with colour. Just as the tiny dress, barely covering the little girl butt. The specialist examined the girl at every angle, genetic, physical and even mentally. This date was actually the best approximation they were able to make to give that little sunshine a birthday. She deserved a birthday isn't it? The 25 of July 1989. At least now the grey eyes girl has a special day dedicated to her.

Solange took an insane pleasure in declaring her as her own child. She was so proud of finally got, somewhat, a trophy to exhibit when she go to supermarkets or to children playground. It was a life accomplishement. She was so happy to not have to die alone. This little girl was truely the incarnation of hope. No one could die it.

On that lovely day, where the girl will finally got to blow her candle. Solange decided to invite the entire neighborhood. She was claimed as a God for saving such a beautiful little girl. Praises  and admires and jealous. Every housewife wished to have such an incredible story to make their life a little more interesting than it actually is. No one is interested to listen to the story of a traditional mother. It is too common to be extraordinary though it should not be taken for granted. Solange was the example that being a mom should not be taken for granted. Seeing her on that day, nobody could deny the efforts she put in giving the girl a wonderful life. She made this her upmost priority and no one could make her change her mind. She was becoming obsessed.

The party looked more like a baby shower than a birthday though the great "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" hanging on the front door. Indeed, Solange replaced the gender revelation by a name revealation. This was one of the main motivation to come for every neighbours. I will finally be able to describ the grey eyes girl with a name. She deserved a name, isn't it?

Solange made this a game, highly inspired as a Easter egg hunt. Yet, this was a sad look to see the little, still nameless girl, walking around the municipal garden in search of hard paper on which were written a number on one side and a letter on the othet. The little girl would have to search the immense garden alone. Some forced her to be as tiny as possibly to pass under a little pond, others made her climb trees to find them. Solange made this a prior condition, though the number of children present and assisting the birthday that the girl searched alone. She was pretending that it was symbolical as she is the one who will wear this name the rest of her life. Judging by the sad eyes of the girl, this loneliness reminded her of a more dark and sad plot.

This first paper was the easiest to find. It was deposited at the foot of the tallest tree of the garden. The girl was so happy she found that one without much difficulties but she just smiled shyly to the paper on which it was written, in a beautiful police, 'L'. Too many names starting with that letter to try a guess. The second paper were easy to find too but less easy to take. It was tied to a dog's necklace. An unusual sight, to see a big Berger with a paper balancing while he walks. While parents were full of worries, children were full of envy. The little girl walk straight to the dog, without fear. She looked in its eyes, mumur some things, and the dog sat. She took tge paper without hesitation and said "Thanks" to the dog then it ran fast and far. The second letter was an 'I', written in the same police as the 'L'. 'L' and 'I'... Still too many possibilities. After several minutes full of silence, just watching the poor girl dressed in a colorful piece of clothes, rooming as a ghost in that immensely green garden. Suddenly a glimpse of hope in the eyes of the girl. She sat on the ground and looked at the two papers she already found. She turned the paper on which were  'L' and smiled. Solange matched her smile. Then, the grey eyes girl turned the paper which wears the letter 'I' and her smile lighted up the garden.

Her name was then settled. Lilli Swinburne. The name was well chosen. The little Lilly was like the flower from the same name. She was as fragile and as beautiful. Yet, as disturbing as it should be, the smile of Solange was more like an employer proud of his employee. She looked as if she never doubted that the girl has great capacities. This could be seen as a great thing, but it remains disturbing. This smile was awkwardly strong. That person was hiding something dark.

And here is the day I met Lilly Swinburne. I was five then. I know that at this age I was not supposed to feel love but I impressed by so much beauty. In the village we lived in, girls were all the same. As if they were from a single father. Her eyes, her face, her body. Everything in her suggests that she does not belong here. She was too perfect to such a place. She belongs to big cities, where opportunities were abondant. This taste of infinity, the sight of sky scrapers, the smallness of Earth when taking the plan. This is all that she deserved.

The day were well planned. Solange thought about every details. From the amount of snacks to the chose of music. Every thing was perfect. Too perfect. A bitter taste was left after that day in the neighborhood. Every neighbours felt jealous of Solange but extremely happy for Lilly. A mixture of feelings that brought them to hate Solange out of frustration. Lilly would not lack anything which was a conforting thought but what is the price of a perfect outlook?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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