Chapter 25 - Burn

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*Lucia's Point of View*

It's been two days. Two days of screaming at all hours. Two days of seeing the curtains turn yellow because of the burning buildings surrounding the house.

Violet and I knew we weren't safe. Eventually, our house would burn too. Everything else is already burned down or on fire. Unless the war miraculously ends in a few hours, this house is going down.

Violet and I sat locked in our living room with every curtain closed. We sat a few feet away from each other between two couches. We just sat quietly and listened.

"Violet?" I whispered and she looked at me.

"What happens when we can't stay here anymore?" I asked. Trying not to directly address the inevitable.

"We run and we hide. We do everything we can to try to get out of town but if we can't.." She trailed off and I just nodded.

"We should check if the house is still safe." I suggested and she nodded.

"Do you want me to go this time?" She asked and I shook my head, not wanting the old woman to work too hard.

I stood up from where I was sitting on the ground and walked up to the locked living room door. I put my hand on the lock, took a deep breath and turned it to the left.

I walked out into the main hallway. I decided to go to the back of the house first. I checked room after room, looking for fire or any signs of someone entering. Nothing.

I walked towards the entrance of the house. The curtains were all yellow, meaning many buildings were on fire within a close distance. I pulled back the curtains and saw a few soldiers.

When I watched a sword go through one man, I closed my eyes shut as hard as I could and let go of the curtain.

I walked back to Violet and re-locked the door.

"Anything?" She asked and I shook my head.

We sat there for another hour or so until we heard it. The screaming, bloodcurdling. We both looked at each other and nodded. We stood up and looked out the window.

"Oh my god.." I said and cried at the sight of another soldier outside our house. "I don't know how much more I can take of this."

Violet walked over and rubbed my back. "Don't worry.. It's almost over." We sat in silence for awhile. "We should eat." She said.

"You're right." I pulled myself together. "I'll go bring us some food."

I unlocked the door and walked down the hall to the kitchen. I prepared a quick meal and crept my way back to the living room.

Then I saw it.

The fire.

It was surrounding the front door and the living room door. I dropped the plate and heard it smash. I ran to the nearest window and broke it and then jumped through it. I ran around the house to the window of the living room.

"Violet!" I exclaimed when I saw the old lady peaking out the small window. "Go through the window, I'll catch you. I promise." I told her, extending my arms out.

"I can't! The windows too small." She said.

"Try to break the wall around it so you can fit through." I said and she hit the walls a few times.

"I can't! I'm not strong enough." She sighed. "You'll have to go alone Lucia."

"No. I'm not going alone." I told her and tried to hit the wall a few times.

"Just go. We can't both die." She said, tears streaming down both of our faces. I shook my head.

"I can't leave you here." I said.

"Yes you can. Please Lucia! You need to live!" She yelled at me.

I thought few seconds. I walked towards the low window and attempted to hug the woman still inside the house.

"Thank you. For everything you've done for me." I cried.

"You're more than welcome. Now go Lucia!" She smiled and I ran and dove into a bush.

My mind flashed back to the first night Ian and I snuck out to see each other.


It's been a few minutes since I stole the small boat and paddled a little out to sea. I knew from the second that he dared me, I would have to get revenge.

"You stay here! I have a surprise for you!" I told him and smiled.

"Uhh, okay?" He said half scared and half nervous.

I smiled evilly as I stood behind him and put my hands on his back. With a hard push, I watched him lose his balance and fall down into the ocean far below.

He wiped his face and looked at me like I was insane. "Are you crazy?!" He yelled at me and I nodded.

"A little." I laughed. "How cold is it?" I asked him.

"Not too bad actually." He yelled and I knew he was lying.

"Okay! I'll join you in a second!" I yelled and began removing my dress.

I felt Ian's eyes on me for a few seconds but I didn't care. Tonight I was living a carefree life.

"Okay! Ready?" He yelled at me and I nodded. "3! 2! 1!"

I jumped and it was like everything was in slow motion. Falling down felt so good and I felt so free. When I broke the surface, the cold ocean water engulfed my body.

"You lied to me! It's freezing!" I yelled after I swam up to the surface.

"I know! But I got lonely down here!" He smiled at me.

*End of Flashback*

Everything was so easy back then.

Lovers In Pompeii (Ian Hecox)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang