Chapter 21 - Two Kinds of War

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*Lucia's Point of View*

"I do." I said smiling ignoring every problem that was going on at the moment.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The pastor said and closed his book.

Ian bent down slightly and kissed me. It was bitter sweet.

"I love you Lucia." He whispered into my ear and I repeated it back to him.

I noticed the clapping from my father and Violet who were the only two attending the wedding. I smiled at them.

What hurt the most about this wedding is that we did it out of love but mostly because we need to solidify that we're in this together. We do truly love each other but we can't predict what is going to happen next.

I looked down at my long white gown and I looked at Ian's uniform for the war that he wore. I felt a tear slip from my eye. It wasn't a tear of joy but a tear of pain knowing that in two days, Ian would be leaving,.

We walked towards our two guests as we held hands.

"Congratulations." Violet said and hugged me. "I can't imagine what you're feeling right now." She whispered as she held me.

"I tell you as soon as I figure it out." I joked.

Ian and I went home but Violet and Dad went to the market.

We walked into the house and when the door closed we just stood there looking at each other. I took a step towards my husband. I played with the buttons on his shirt.

"You look good in that uniform." I smiled weakly as he looked at me with a straight face. I could feel the sadness surrounding us.

I looked up at Ian and I noticed he was crying silently. I didn't bother asking why because I knew exactly why. I felt tears coming on so I just hugged him. He hugged me back as he cried. I could feel the drops falling onto my head but I didn't care. This is our moment of sadness.

"I'm s-sorry that I can't be here with you for awhile." He told me as he held onto me tighter.

"It's not your fault Ian. We don't have a choice in this." I said.

"We don't get to make a lot of decisions. We have our destiny. Everything is already planned for us but I will come home to you and I will never leave you again."

"How long will you be gone?" I asked.

"As long as it takes for someone to win the war." He said as he let go of me. "You're so beautiful Lucia. I'm so happy that you're my wife." He smiled and kissed me.

I looked at my husband and smiled. My smiled slowly faded, Ian quickly noticed.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me as we sat together on our bed, still in our wedding attire.

"I wish we could turn back the clock. Go back to Pompeii and be kids again. I don't want to remember the eruption and the war. I want to remember the nights that we ran out of town and the days when I truly knew I loved you. Nothing feels the same anymore." I sighed as I laid down on the bed.

"Don't worry. I'll be home soon enough. For good."

Lovers In Pompeii (Ian Hecox)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora