Chapter 1

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"I hate you."

"That's not the answer. Again."

"So much."

"Still not the answer."

"Leave me alone, jackass," Theo groaned, getting up from the floor while holding her side. She and Kylo were training, and he being the mentor, decided it would be a good idea to work on their lightsaber skills while questioning her about the various types of fighting styles as he demonstrated them.

"Pick up your lightsaber," he told her, and she glared at him before picking up said weapon and readying herself. Her lightsaber fit snugly in her hand, the curved hilt allowing her a better grip. He raised his own lightsaber and charged at her.

She deflected his attack only to get her concentration completely thrown off when he shouted "What form?", to which she stumbled slightly.

"Second form!" she shouted in response, her lightsaber clashing with his. He continued swinging his lightsaber at her, and she tried her hardest to dodge the attacks. After an onslaught of fast hits, their lightsabers finally clashed with each other, both stopping the other from moving. They held their stance, the blades hissing as they met contact. He looked at her and deactivated his weapon, and she gladly did the same.

"You're not even trying. That was the third form," he told her pointedly.

"Well, it's hard trying to concentrate when someone's yelling at you," she said, folding her arms across his chest.

He rolled his eyes. "We'll take a one minute break."

"Lord Ren, your generosity astounds me. I am not worthy of such kindness in my life," she said dramatically. He rolled his eyes again but a small smirk appeared on his face.

The two sat on the training floor, both tired from the hours of training they had just been through.

Ever since her recruitment three years ago, Kylo Ren had been tasked to train her. They had found her on Stewjon during a raid by the First Order. There, Kylo met the girl and sensed the Force within her. Force that she didn't know she had. It was without question that he brought her to Supreme Leader Snoke, and it was there that it was decided Kylo would teach her the ways of the Force, more specifically the Dark Side of the Force. 

She was a fast learner, but she was too emotional to be a Dark Side Force user. She always had a problem with controlling her emotions, but what she lacked in that area, she made up with her determination to succeed, to find a sense of belonging. That went hand in hand with her recklessness, much to his annoyance, but regardless, she was the only other Force user besides him.

"Alright. Let's begin," he said, standing up.

"We only had a 50 second break," she muttered but got up all the same to continue training. "I'm tired."

"Maybe if you start paying attention more, we wouldn't have to be here for so long," he said.


"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing."

Kylo's lips turned up in a small grin, shaking his head. "You're going to be the death of me."

"Love you too, Ren," she teased before pausing, realising what she had said. Her ears turned pink. Kylo had heard her comment but chose not to say further, noting her embarrassment.

"Get ready," he told her before charging at her again with the blazing red lightsaber.

"I'm going to die."

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