As I make my way to the elevator, I suddenly hear shouting and glass breaking from the VIP section of the bar. I look over and see a few werewolves attacking vampires from the clan we are meeting. I see one of the werewolves throw a vampire through a floor to ceiling glass section that separates the VIP area from the rest. The other two werewolves also pounce on a vampire each, a fight breaking out.

I see Alec and Luca rush out of the elevator as I head towards the commotion. Most of the floor has their attention directed towards the source.

We all reach the wolves around the same time and slam them to the hard, black floor. I, along with my brothers, use our Alpha command to banish them from the club. I could see Alec struggling to control his desire for blood, not wanting humans to witness him killing.

"Master Alec," the vampire who was thrown through the glass says approaching Alec. "I think it would be best if we postpone our meeting for another time," he says, bowing his head in respect along with his companions.

"Hmm," Alec grunts, agreeing.

He turns and heads towards the two men who are there to ensure that non-VIP members cannot enter the area, they are our underlings. He grabs them both by the back of their collars and drags them out the back door, into the alley. Luca and I followed.

Luca King

The moment we got outside, both the men dropped to their knees. They knew they were fucked.

"Now, tell me why I shouldn't kill you right this moment for letting those damned wolves into the VIP section. They clearly are not VIP members, so how exactly did they get in?" Alec questions them as they started crying while shaking in fear. He was using his calm voice, and anyone who knows Alec knows that when he uses his calm voice when he's angry, someone is going to die.

"P-p-please M-Master, s-spare m-me. I-it wasn't m-my fault. Harry w-was the one w-who didn't v-verify if t-they w-were VIPs," the one on the left stuttered.

"N-n-no, I d-didn't see t-them enter," Harry defended himself, panicking.

"Well that's a shame, here I thought I had capable staff handling my business," Alec replied, sighing.

"I agree Alec, who knew we had fucktards doing such an important job. They fucking just let them walk in and start shit, ruining our meeting. You pieces of shit couldn't even do the simple job of fucking looking at a card and going, 'yup that's a VIP card' or 'nope you can't enter.' Because of your stupid nonexistent brains, they didn't surrender!" Jace yelled, probably pissed he had to end his fuck session to come here for nothing.

"Jace, stop yelling. You'll draw unwanted attention. They aren't going to refuse us, they'd be stupid to say no when they know we're just asking to save ourselves the trouble of having to eradicate their entire clan. They just got scared by the damn mutts these two idiots let slip through," I replied, annoyed with him.

"Luca's right, they know they're as good as dead if they refuse to surrender," Alec said towards Jace, before turning towards the two men that are still on their knees. "But either way I'm killing you two. You failed to do your job, and could have jeopardized our business," he said before snapping both their necks.

We all heard a small gasp and snapped our heads to look behind us, finding a small man... more like a boy, with black hair, dressed in black, staring at us with wide eyes full of fear. Well, looks like there's going to be another dead body to incinerate tonight.

"I w-won't mention a word of what I saw," he said, fear lacing his soft voice. For some reason, the fear in his voice irritated me, I also wanted to hear more of his voice.

He started to back away slowly. Alec started to walk towards him, pissed. We trailed behind him. As we got closer, I notice Alec stiffen as he stopped, sniffing the air. Jace and I did the same, thinking he smelt trouble in the area.

The most mouth-watering scent hit my nose. It smelled like vanilla and lavender. I could feel my fangs lengthen in my mouth and my wolf going crazy. I looked into his eyes and felt as though I was being pulled into those dark brown pools, wanting to drown in them.

MATE! My wolf yelled while my fangs itched to taste his blood and mark him, causing me to growl along with my brother. I could tell they were having the same reaction through our link. We all came to the realization that our mate was the boy standing in front of us.

"No. Fucking. Way!" Jace yelled, grabbing his head. "I am not gay! The only dick I like is my big ass dick, especially when it's buried deep inside a tight, wet VAGINA!" he yelled.

"There must be some mistake, our mate can't be a guy. Nope. I do not swing that way. Maybe he was around our actual mate and had her scent rub off on him," Alec said, turning towards us.

I can't believe it, I can actually see a bit of panic in his eyes. Strange since he's the one who doesn't want to have a mate the most from the three of us, and our mate being a guy would be a perfect excuse for him to refuse to mark and mate him. We had all agreed that if we find our mate we would mark and mate with her, so that one day when we decide we want to start a family, we could. Having a male for a mate eliminates that option.

"There's no mistake. I know none of us are gay, we would have known if we were by now, but the scent is too strong for it to have just been rubbed on him. Plus, when I looked into his eyes, I felt the pull, and I bet you guys did too. He is our mate," I say rubbing a hand over my face, frustrated. Sure I had a problem with women because of my past, but that doesn't mean I'm gay. I still wanted to have a female mate, hoping that she would be able to help me forget the past and help me realize how pleasurable sex could be.

"Maybe the goddess mistook the tiny guy for a girl when assigning us our mate," Jace argued, panicking as well.

I know he also secretly hoped for our mate. He hoped that our mate could help him forget the past. He's been trying to by fucking around, but it's not working as well as he would like. His last chance was our mate.

"The goddess isn't an idiot like you who makes mistakes," I say to Jace. The goddess is the one who creates all mate pairings, regardless of what the person is, vampire or werewolf. She has never made a mistake in mating two souls together.

"Well, there must be some mistake somewhere, because last time I checked, none of us wants dick. Unless you guys are hiding something, I don't see how we could be mated to a guy," Alec says, drawing my sight towards him again.

I look behind him and realize that the mate we are arguing about, is gone.

"Shit guys, he's gone!" I hissed at them. We were so shocked and deep in discussion, we didn't notice he slipped away.

"Good," said Alec. "we are going to pretend we never saw him. None of us wanted a mate in the first place, except for maybe having children in the future. Now that that's out of the question our problem is solved. We don't need our mate and don't want him because he is a guy and we aren't gay. So, let's pretend this never happened and live our lives without worrying about a mate. Continue as we have been, thinking that our mate was already dead."

"You know what happens when someone recognizes their mate. The pull keeps getting stronger and stronger until it becomes practically impossible to resist, and us being so dominant and possessive in nature will make it even harder. Our nature to dominate, mark, and mate him will just grow, until we can't resist it," I reply.

"No way am I mating with a guy!" yelled Jace.

"And you won't be," Alec continued. "We will forget about this. If we have troubles resisting the pull, we can revisit this discussion. For now, let's head home, its been a long day and all I want to do is pass out," he said while heading back through the door, ending the discussion.

I followed along with Jace back to our cars. I got into my grey Bugatti and headed home behind Alec. I could see Jace's red car following us, and could already tell that the mate bond was affecting us. This is the first night in over fifty years that Jace is going home without a girl he plans to fuck.

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