Prince x Reader

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Thank you for requesting this @XxJustAPotatoxx !
Does anyone know what the currency in Splatoon 2 is called?

"Blue team wins!" Every one in the crowd cheered and clapped.

"I thought they were finished!"

"I guess Goggles is the new king huh?"

"Their such idiots they actually beat team Emperor!!"

"Don't call us idiots!" One of the members on team blue yelled. I mean... they're not wrong they can be a little... uh well... unpredictable?
I was shocked myself but Emperor was smiling as well as Prince and his team. Huh... guess they had fun? That's new.

"I can't believe this!" I exclaimed laughing, "The strongest team in inkopolis just lost to... them!" Duallie, Kensa, as well as Fizz were with me in the stands as everyone picked up their things and began to leave.

"Let's wait till the crowd dies down." Duallie grunted, "crowds like this are not my thing."

"I feel you." I added looking around then back to the stage. It seemed the teams were talking to each other when suddenly Prince looked up and made eye contact with me.

I wasn't a die hard fan like a lot of other girls out there but i was a fan so I just smiled, waved and mouthed, 'good job' to him.
He did the same back mouthing, 'Thank you' with the cutest smile I've ever seen. He has like, a smol round baby face; nothing like his older brother.

"C'mon (y/n) the crowds died down let's go do some salmon run. Everyone's going to do some turf war after that battle!" Kensa inquired.
"Why not it's been awhile."

—Time skip brought to you by Princes baby face—

We got on the boat with a quick push by grizzco and landed in a big heap of rubber overalls, "I don't get paid enough for this." I groaned in pain as I laid breathless at the bottom of the pile.

"Here take my hand." That voice, "Prince?!" I gasped with wide eyes, "what are you doing here?"

"Well Mask needed some help so Emperor, Goggles, and I came along!" Prince chirped. WHAT.

I grabbed his hand and he hoisted me up out of the pile that made up my team. I mumbled a quick thanks and looked around to see Goggles, Emperor, and Mask, "Wait. I thought this was only for four people... ?" What's going on... Thats when Grizzco came on the speakers.

"Krrrt - Your headed to the largest island so get ready - krrrt- watch you backs this isn't going to be easy these are not your normal salmon run bosses- krrrt."

"Oh boy." I sarcastically cheered, "this is time first time this has happened to us."

"Saaaammmee heeerree." Mask clarified.

"It's unusual for sure." Emperor added.

"Guess were in for a surprise. Anyone want a pickled plum?" Goggles bubbled with excitement as we all sighed.

-time skip brought to you by Masks hay fever-


We all took off in different directions inking as much as we could before the boss showed up.

Boss alert!

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