Flirty! Rider x Shy! Reader

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Awwww hecc! I hope this is a good story. and remember REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!
Don't matter how weird! I'll write what you ask!


I was sitting in the shade under one of the umbrellas by the Crust Bucket. I had no plans today so I decided to watch what goes on in the square since most of the time, I'm in a turf war.
Looking around, I saw a male inkling walk up and start ordering food nearby. He had yellow-green tentacles tied up; his eyes the same color. The man had a black leather jacket on as well.
All the other tables were occupied by other teams so I stood up and walked away, since I saw his team walking this direction anyways. Might as well give them a table. It'll make things easier than actually having to talk to them.

I have what you would call an invisible splat zone. It's like my personal bubble. I wasn't much of a talker and never knew how to start or end a conversation so things usually got really awkward. And I mean really awkward.
I walked away with my eyes down so I wouldn't have to make eye contact with anyone either.

Coming to my senses, I felt a pair of eyes on me, I subtly turned around and saw the same male inkling staring right through me. With my face warming up out of embarrassment, I turned around and rushed into the nearest store to escape his gaze.

The rotations of gear changed every day thankfully so I had something to do while that inkling went away.

Busy looking at things, I didn't notice the SAME FRICKIN INKLING POP UP NEXT TO ME.

"So, ya come here often?" He asked with a smirk.

"CARP!" I was so shocked I shrieked and fell to the ground, but was suddenly picked back up.
I cringed from the physical contact and pulled away quickly.

"The names Rider. Yours?"

"(Y-y/n)" I said in the quietest voice as possible.

"Hmmm... cute."

"Thanks..." He was getting closer to me and I could barely handle the stress.

"Got any interests?"

"I-I l-like- I like music..." I kept looking down to hide my red, nervous face.

"Music huh? Yah like jazz?" He put an elbow up on one of the shelves. (I'm so sorry)

"N-not really." I looked up at his face. He was liek. An inch from my nose.

To bad I couldn't back up anymore or move to the side. I was in the very corner of the shop and the owner. Just. Left. Perfect timing amiright?

I'm to scared to tell people when I'm uncomfortable but this was just ridiculous!
"Um if you could..."

"Could what?" I didn't think it was possible but he came EVEN CLOSER THAN BEFORE.
Unable to think I couldn't speak.

"Uhh- well- uhhhh..."

Thankfully he pulled away from my face in a split second and I was able to breath again.

"Welp my teams probably looking for me. I'll se you later (Y/N)..." he said in a very, and I mean very seductive voice that made my heart go from 0 to 10,000 in just a moment.

"Uhhhh- ok. Bye Rider..." I had a few seconds to actually look into his eyes before I had to turn away. Eye contact just makes me awkward. But I was actually able to look into his for a little longer.


This ones a bit shorter than my other ones but I thought this was a cute idea so why the heck not?

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