Chapter 11

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My eyes fluttered open slowly, and I noticed that I was laying against something warm that spread tingles across my skin. It felt like a dream come true when I raised my head and was able to confirm my suspicions - it was Liam. 

His face was gentle as he looked down at me, and with all of the words I knew I couldn't describe the glee I felt at being back in his arms. 

"You're awake." He said, and I felt myself relax even further at the wonderful chimes of his voice. 

"Yeah." I felt myself smiling up at him. 

"And alive." He muttered, more to himself than to me.

"It would appear so." I mumbled, frowning. 


I shrugged, to be honest I wasn't all too clear on the reasoning myself. "I had a choice, to stay with my mother, or to come back."

"How long have you been... back?" He asked, hesitant. His eyebrows creased together, almost wincing as he waited for my answer. 

"A week." I told him, "I think." 

He nodded slowly. "But you didn't come back to the pack." 

I frowned, almost able to feel his pain. "They would have killed you if I had." 

He nodded again, seemingly accepting my words. "Are you ready to talk about what happened?"

Sighing, I nodded. I would have to explain the full story of what happened to me, he needed to know.

"Um, Charlotte?" I heard Nick say. I looked up in surprise, he was sat across from us in the armchair, holding a bewildered expression - I hadn't even realised he was with us, it was too easy to get lost when I was with Liam. "I... Liam said something last night, he said... he said that you're a god."

I froze, forgetting that there was perhaps more explaining to do than I had already thought. "I am no god. Please, don't call me that."

"Charlotte, you can't run from this. It's who you are." Liam spoke with authority, shaking his head. "It's a part of you-"

"I called myself a god once." I hissed, "And look what happened."

"But... you said-"

"I know what I said. And I was wrong. Liam, I regret everything I ever did from the moment I woke as a goddess. That's why I'm here. I wanted to be better, I wanted to grow stronger, to help people. I wish... I wish that my alpha had killed my when he had the chance." I shook my head, "But I'm not dead yet. Nick... I think I owe you an explanation too."

He frowned, but didn't object.

"I didn't know who I was. Growing up, I was an outsider, they made me an Omega even though I had Beta blood, my pack hated me. Because I was a freak." His eyes widened at the word. "My whole life, I had visions. Nothing useful, just a couple of seconds ahead of reality, I would see the death of every single wolf. I couldn't stop them, I couldn't save anyone, I was just cursed to watch. My Alpha, he set Kent the task of making the visions go away - he was our pack doctor at the time. It didn't work, but I told them it did, because it made my Alpha angry. He thought it would anger the moon goddess - that's our version of a god."

"Eventually... I saw my sister and her mate die. The Alpha found out, and he locked me up for it. He wanted to kill me, he wanted to kill Kent too. He would have done it, his mistake was torturing me first. I spent a week in his prison, getting beat up every few hours, he even carved the word freak into my skin. But I kept going... and that's when Liam saved me."

Liam had tensed up at my description, but he nodded. "I was just visiting their pack. But I heard her screaming, my wolf knew who she was to me."

"And then happily ever after?" Nick asked, though by his tone I knew he was joking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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