Chapter 10

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Pacing around the flat nervously, I couldn't help but keep looking towards the door. Go home, I'll be there soon. That's what Charlotte had said to me. As soon as she had left, leaping off of that balcony like some kind of acrobat, I had rushed downstairs, made my excuses to my mother and left to come home immediately. Charlotte was a sort of wild card in my eyes, unpredictable, and always surprising. 

There were many things that she seemed capable of doing, that stretched far beyond my understanding - she was a werewolf, and I was only beginning to understand what that meant. It seemed to be more than simply turning into a wolf... she could run faster than sound, scale a wall as easily as she could walk down a pavement... And it seemed to me that she had some kind of precognitive ability, she had seen that dog somehow... Could Kent do all of that too?

 It hadn't been long at all, but I couldn't help but worry about her. Where had she gone? Was she in danger? I found that hard to believe after all I had seen her do, yet there must be others like her, that could pose a threat. 

Suddenly, the loud sound of smashed and splintered wood cut through the silent room. I looked up in shock, to see the front door being completely kicked down. Bruno, who had been nervously circling me as I paced, quickly ran towards the kitchen. 

"Hey!" I exclaimed, frozen in panic, what was happening?

Walking carefully through the broken frame, an enormous guy emerged, his expression fierce yet panicked. The guy was easily the tallest man I had ever seen, his muscles huge and tensed as if to strike. But more important than all of that, was the women he held in his arms. 

Charlotte lay in his arms, her eyes closed and her body completely motionless - she could have been dead for all I knew. "Charlotte?" I said quietly, in shock at her form. "What have you done to her?"

The tall man ignored me, bustling past me with urgency and laying Charlotte down gently on the makeshift bed on the sofa. He pulled away, though as soon as he was no longer making contact with her body, her hand shot out like a magnet, grasping his hand in hers. 

Something in the man's expression softened at this, and he knelt down beside her, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. I couldn't help the jealousy within me at the small action, I wanted to be the one she reached out for, the one who got to place kisses on her flawless skin. 

"What the hell happened?" I demanded, my eyes darting between the two of them. Charlotte's eyes were still closed tight, she seemed completely drained. 

The man stood up straight, and dropped Charlotte's hand. He turned to face me, slowly taking steps towards me until he was so close I was forced to crane my neck up just to look at him. 

"Who the hell are you?" He replied, his voice filled with pure rage. To tell the truth it scared the crap out of me, but I wanted to help Charlotte, and for all I knew this guy was the reason she was hurt. 

I didn't answer him quickly enough, and a low sound came from his throat, a sound that could only be described as a growl. This man... was not human. He was like Charlotte.

"Don't hurt him, he's my friend." Charlotte muttered weakly from the sofa. Liam turned back to face her, instantly calm as he returned to her side. "Don't hurt him." She repeated, her eyes still closed. "I'm okay, Nick. I just need to rest."

Watching the way the guy moved in response to her, like he was hanging onto her every word... I realised who he was. "You're Liam." 

He looked up at me, his eyes seeming lighter than they had a moment before. 

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