2. The Sakura Festival, the day of Love

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When they came back , the guild was partying ; as every pretext was good, the guild celebrated the return of their best team, and was also preparing for the festivities that took place at this time of the year for cherry blossom; in all Fiore, and especially Magnolia, it was a period of several weeks of festivities, parades, games; festivals ... it was a moment of joy and happy events. Jellal was happy and relieved to find his wife, and their children too. Mirajane seemed delighted to have done her role as a full-time godmother, especially since Sakura's first birthday was approaching, and all the members were very happy and noisy as always!During the party, Erza spoke privately with the former Master Makarov, and his grant-son, and current Master of the guild, Luxus, to whom she submitted their idea of sharing the big reward earned. This was a great gesture of camaraderie, because the members of Fairy Tail considered themselves a family, and old Makarov spoke alone with the warrior."Your greatness is not usurped, Titania, but it is above all your greatness of heart, that you hide so carefully, my child, who makes you such an exceptional being and an extraordinary mage." He kissed her paternally on the forehead , by adding :"But, by Mavis ... I have the feeling that this season we will have several events to celebrate!Erza smiled confirming this intuition; meanwhile, in the midst of the general noise, Natsu was seen climbing on a table, while dragging Lucy, red like a tomato with emotion and embarrassment, Happy fluttered above everyone, exclaiming:"Listen, everyone listen, Natsu and Luchy have something to tell you!"Natsu: "Hey ... well it's simple, my Lucy and I, well we are finally a couple and ..." it was cut loudly by Cana, still drunk:"Oh that 's really such a news , as if everyone haven't already found out!" Hilariously shouted the pretty brunette.

Natsu, red like a tomato, replied: "Hey, what do you mean, you already found out?... well I don't care, because Luce and I are going to get married in 2 weeks, for Sakura day!" At that moment, Gray, who had been standing still and cool as usual, with Juvia hugging him, jumped up and in two steps was on the same table as Natsu and Lucy, dragging Juvia who was not letting go of his arm.
Gray: "Hey, flamehead, it's me and Juvia who are going to get married first! And on the Sakura day, deal with it, I asked her before you!" Natsu, furious replied:"Ah yeah popsicle, it's you who says so, wanna fight?"
Gray replied:"I'll beat you whenever you want ashbrains!"
Juvia and Lucy, very embarrassed, tried to calm them down, then from the end of the hall, old Makarov shouted loudly:"Calm down you brats !! No need to fight! Both weddings will be celebrated the same day, what do you say?"Everyone cheeredand shouted , in agreement rising their cups, and the two couples consented to this solution, the girls hugging themselves excited, and the two boys clapped bro-fist toghether. Everyone seemed satisfied, Mirajane more than anyone because she had hoped for a long time that these two couples end up declaring themselves.

 Everyone seemed satisfied, Mirajane more than anyone because she had hoped for a long time that these two couples end up declaring themselves

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

She turned to her best friend Erza:"Oh Erza, it's so exciting !! A double wedding !! It's too romantic! The" demone match-maker "was euphoric, especially since, for some time, the love of her life, Luxus, had proposed to her, and they were engaged.
" Erza, we should help them get everything ready, in such a short time! We must have a plan and requisition everyone according to his talents, what do you think? "Erza nodded and answered in her usual decided tone:"Of course, but we have to get together with the girls first and foremost, to find out their wishes! Then have all the the others girls to help, Wendy, Cana, Levy, and your sister Lisana, and we will share the attributions to each mage according to his or her talent, and not only magical, for example, Macao is an excellent cook, and Droy could provide us with all the necessary flowers.
"Now Natsu and Happy moved into Lucy's little apartment, while Juvia left her flat at FairyHills, and went to live with Gray in his flat.
The next morning, Mira and Erza had arranged and cleaned up the damage of the day before, with the help of young Wendy. Lisana arrived with something for a yummy, girly breakfast;Lucy and Juvia did not know what to expect, but knowing that Mirajane had invited them, there could only be talk about preparations for their weddings. They were not wrong!As soon as they arrived, Mira brought a yummy breakfast on a tray, with various pastries and pancakes, Erza got a bunch of wedding magazines, and a large notebook to write on .Her "battle plan" began to take shape and she questioned to the two future brides, they looked together several magazines, taking notes and cutting images. While flipping one of these magazines of dresses, Juvia said lost in her thoughts :"Erza- san, it's very kind of you to help Juvia and Lucy -san for the best day of their lives ... but Juvia feels a little confused, there's so much to see! Juvia's afraid to make the wrong choice, and disappoint her beloved Gray - sama! She said almost in tears.
Lucy: "Oh don't worry about that Juvi" chan! Gray will find you beautiful no matter which one you will wear! I think, we should choose a palette that suits us? They continued chatting for a long time; their boyfriends arrived a little later and, obviously perplexed, were careful not to disturb them. On their side, the necessary was quickly completed, with the choice of the suits and engagement rings that they were to give them the next evening, during a romantic dinner. Gray had planned an intimate table on the terrace of one of their favorite  restaurants, by the river, and had chosen a white gold ring with a beautiful light blue oval sapphire, surrounded by three small diamonds on each side. He was sure Juvia would love the ring.Natsu had organized a small dinner on their favorite hill, under the big oak, and the ring for Lucy was golden, with a bright round citrine, surrounded by diamonds, like a star. They were eager to give their fiancées this official symbol, they had waited a long time for this dream to come true.

Juvia Engagement ring

Juvia Engagement ring

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Lucy engagement ring

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Lucy engagement ring

Mirajane engagement ring

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Mirajane engagement ring

1, Fairy Tail, a new  dayUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum