Chapter 2 : Yay To The Engagement

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I walked inside the studio and I was greeted by my band . But my manager/best friend wasn't present yet so I managed to call Al before the work starts because we were not allowed to use phones while in writting process as Katie says it was a 'distraction' which was true . Cause I can not concentrate when texting Al especially about everything that pops up in my mind . But he just replies me with a simple ' oh yea' , ' Hope you enjoy yourself ' , 'yeah i guess ' and just annoying replies but I keep on texting him . And this time I left a voicemail .

" Leave a Message "

" Hey love, just wandering if you're free for tonight ? Call me back "

I sighed and plopped down a velvet sofa and tried to gathered my thoughts for later . But the door bursted open and revealed my best friend Katie who was giggling like a little girl and pulled me up from the couch and grabbed me to go outside the studio .

" Woah slow down . whats with you ? "

I laughed at her actions

" Guess what ! "

" What ? "

She pulled out her left hand and showed it to me . A silver sapphire ring caught my sight .

" Oh My God . "

" He proposed ! "

She grinned so widely like a cheshire cat and I hugged her .

" I'm so happy for you guys ! "

" I'm getting married in a few months hun omygod , I cant believe it ! "

I smiled at her , I'm so happy for her and Jamie . They've been a couple for a while now and now they're tying the knots .

" I believe it actually ! I'm so happy for you Kathie ! "

I kissed her cheek and hugged her again.

" Thank you "

I looked at her and smiled .

" For what ? "

" For being such a good best friend to me. "

She smiles shyly at me which I found adorable

" Mhm . I can't wait to help you with the planning ! "

" You're one of my bridesmaid . I promise you that "

She smiles cheekily and I pinched her cheeks

" Oh yes you better . Or else I'm gonna start a war with the bridesmaid you chose "

" Silly you . now lets go back to work "

She smirked at me and gave me the look .

" Do I haaave tooo ? "

I said in a pleading voice and tried to those puppy eyes. Which I failed doing.

" No don't give me that,you look horrible, Where's the 'distraction' ? "

I pouted and gave her my phone which she put on her pocket .

" Are you ready ? "

" As always." I sighed and rolled my eyes

" Well lets go then "

She hooked her arms with mine and we went back inside the studio where the guys are waiting . We started brainstorming and wrote a couple of lyrics in papers and my day was shitty. I'm so distracted with my thoughts on Alex . Leaving a while back without saying goodbye or something , did i really pissed him off ? Well fuck him ! It's not my fault to be annoyed and suspicious bout that goddmned girl who called him this morning . I hated being jealous it made me boil inside .

He's My Favorite Nightmare // Lana Del Rey & Alex Turner Fanfic {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now