chapter 1

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My life's a mess. That's my favorite sentence at the moment. My biggest insecurities are getting more and more and i'm just feeling lost.

But why i'm feeling lost? I'm not gonna lie. It's not because of school, parents or something like this. It's because of my crush.

My Crush. Yeah well, he means pretty much everything to me, but I mean nothing to him. Let's start from the beginning.

I met him on holiday and we met like nearly everyday. We had much fun. Together, we sat in his garden and stargazed. It was a wonderful time. I enjoyed it so much, but after the holidays, we didn't meet or something. Our only contact were fucking Snapchat streaks and we weren't texting or something, just STREAKS. So then, our parents were both invited to a party and we met. It was a cringey feeling, because I saw him having fun with like EVERYONE there but we didn't even talk. It was just awful. Seeing him laughing was really calming actually but just the thougt of him makes me nervous.

Now, i'm Thinking of him everyday. I just want this summer back, and I just want to know if he likes me back. I can't sleep, because i can't stop thinking about him. It's a bad feeling because i can't see him, because i don't know anything about him.

(Pls help me, i'm soooo shy and i think i'm destroying our ,,friendship". He lives like 20 min away so plsss help me so i can meet him or start texting☹)

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