Chapter ten

Depuis le début

"Tina." Orion glared at her with clenched palms.

"What? And what the fuck is going on here?" Tina rolled her eyes with a frown. "I'm gonna ask you guys to leave, sorry not sorry but you know the rules."

"We were gonna leave anyway." Jett rolled his eyes, he hated that bitch.

Orion held Lavenders hand whilst walking towards the exit with the guys following behind, holding an unconscious little body. Today was amazing but it had to end with a fucking shit show? Orion thought. The only good thing that came out of tonight was his kiss with Lavender. Orion had a fair share of kisses heck even more than that but with Lavender it's different.

No, Orion does not go for every girl especially any one from school. But he had done a lot especially with the job he has. Being at clubs and dealing with people in general made him just want to forget and act like a normal teenage kid and do reckless things. But this all is going to change.

"Okay how are we all gonna fit into that?" Jett asked pointing towards Zander's small bmw sport.

"Easy you sit with this dude on your lap." Chase shrugged.

"Absolutely hell not I CALL SHOTGUN!" Jett exclaims running towards the front seat. Orion shook his head at his dumb antics while Lavender giggles.

"It's fine, Lavender will sit on my lap." He looked down at her and smirked.

"Okay but please no making out while we're all in the car." Chase requested making gag faces. He still wasn't used to Orion having a girl around for more than one night even with that it was rare as far as he knows.

Orion just rolled his eyes and sat in the car pulling a blushing Lavender on his lap. She sat down and laid her head on his shoulder, times like these Lavender really appreciated his broad muscular shoulder. Although she hoped she wasn't too heavy for him.

The rest of the guys got into the car and Zander drove back to Lavenders home first. As Lavender was sitting she felt Orion lay one of his palms on Lavenders thigh which sent shivers throughout her body. She still couldn't believe he kissed her, her first kiss.

She was proud of herself, proud for not running away. The thought his lips against hers again was making her feel this uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. It gave her too many butterflies just thinking about it. And Orion's hand that started rubbing circles on her thighs did not make it better.


When they reached Lavenders place, they all got out of the car. But then they realized that they seemed to have forgotten about Shawn.

"Where do we take him?" Chase asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh y-you g-guys can l-leave him at m-my place." Lavender said. She didn't know how long he had been in America for and where he stays so she thought it'll be safe for him to stay with her for the time being.

"No." Orion immediately said.


"No Lavender, he's not staying alone here with you."

"B-but Martha will b-be there too."

"I don't care. He's not staying with you."

"W-we don't know where he lives or if h-he even got a p-place for that m-matter!" Lavender tried to make him understand.

Orion was quite for a moment, thinking, then sighs before agreeing, "fine. He can stay here. But I'm staying with you." Lavender nodded not having a problem with that at all.

"Orion you can't stay here, you're dads waiting for you at home. And we've got to discuss what happened today." Zander said.

Orion was getting frustrated, "okay we'll talk about what happened inside. And tell my dad to fuck off, I'll meet him tomorrow."

Zander shook his head at Orion but nodded.

As soon as they got inside, Martha was standing with wide eyes. She knew Lavender didn't have any friends other than guys but this was getting too much. She shook her head this isn't time to be thinking about this because she saw Jett caring a guy who's seemingly asleep with a bruise on his jaw.

But when Martha stepped closer to look, she recognized the boy. Isn't that Shawn? She thought. Oh my it is. She ran towards him and looked at Lavender who was staring at the floor.

"Lavender! What's the meaning of this? Why is Shawn here? And why does he have a bruise on his face?"

Lavender sighed and asked the guys to put him on the couch before telling Martha what happened privately.

"Lavender honey I'm glad you're okay. I can't believe Orion would do such a thing." She shook her head.

"It wasn't his f-fault Martha, h-he didn't like what Shawn had s-said and he got a tiny bit carried away." Lavender defended Orion's action.

"Okay honey but he can't just knock him out like that. But it's okay what's done is done I'm going to see what's going on with him. You can tell your friends to go home because it's getting late." Martha said.

"Okay..." Lavender nodded, she didn't ask her if Orion could stay over because she knew she wasn't happy with him at the moment.

As Lavender walked back to the guys Orion seemed tense and the conversation he was having with the guys seemed heated.

"Okay I'll look into it, I can't leave Lavender here alone with that scum." Orion said. The guys nodded understandingly although they're weirded out by Orion's sudden possessive and jealous nature.

"O-Orion? Is everything alright?" Lavender asked softly.

"Yes, nothing to worry about." Orion assures her.

"Okay guys, we're going to head out now. We'll stop by in the morning and pick you up Orion." Chase said.

They gave Orion a typical guy hug and waved at Lavender because they didn't want to risk Orion getting more pissed then he already is. Jett however still managed to hug Lavender before running out the door.

Lavender giggles and shakes her head but started to laugh when Orion immediately wrapped his hands around her and buried his head on her neck while tickling her sides.

"O-Orion I didn't tell Martha you're staying over, let's go up before she notices." Lavender whispers after her giggles died down.

Orion raised his eyebrow and said, "since when did my innocent little beauty become a bad girl."

50k??? That's crazy!!!!!!

I cannot thank you guys enough for reading!!

Thank you for all the support and feedbacks in the comment section. Truly means a lot❤️

There will be grammatical mistakes so feel free to point that out

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