Chapter Seven

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Monday came faster then Ming thought. He woke up early and sat in his bed looking out the window. Ming reached over and grabbed his phone taking a photo of the sun starting to rise. After Ming got ready for school he headed downstairs. His mother was in the kitchen making him something to eat. He looked at the clock as he sat down at the table. Just then his phone went off with a message from Jiang and Rose in the group chat they had made.

''Ming, be brave today and don't forget we got your back'' Rose said.

''Make sure to be on time as well'' Jiang said.

Ming laughed and eat fast then grabbed his bag and ran out the door. He meet up with Rose and Jiang at the end of the street. Jiang wrapped his arm around Ming's neck and pulled him along. When they got to school everyone was waiting for them at the gate. The twins ran over and jumped on Ming like always Lang sighed and tried to pull them off. The girls laughed and stayed away from them. They walked to the lockers and changed their shoes then started to head to class.

Jiang stopped and smiled ''I'll meet up with you guys in class'' he said ''I need to go somewhere real fast.'' Jiang turned and walked off leaving Rose and Ming confused and looking at each other.

Ming sat at his desk when Kun slammed open the door and walked over to Ming pulling him out of his chair ''Are you kidding me right now'' he shouted.

The twins ran over and pulled them apart ''The hell do you think you are doing'' Yang said holding Kun back.

''Do you really think he will accept you'' Kun shouted and pulled away from Yang ''You should know I was the one that told the whole school about you.'' He walked over and got in his face ''So if you don't want anymore trouble then keep your mouth shut and stay the hell away from my friend.'' Kun turned and stormed out.

Ming stood there in shock. Rose ran over to Ming ''Ming it's ok'' she said reaching out for him.

Ming pushed everyone away from him and walked off. As he left Jiang stopped and watched him. Rose chased after him but stopped at the door and sighed. 

Jiang turned and looked at her ''What happened'' he asked.

Rose told him everything that just happened. Jiang cursed and hit the desk getting up ''I have to talk to Lian before something else happens'' he said and took off.

Ming found his way to the back of the school and sat against a tree. He slid down till he sat on the ground. Everything he had hoped and wished for just left him. He just wanted to leave and never come back. Ming started to punch the base of the tree till his hand started to bleed. Ming couldn't remember the last time he was this upset about anything. At the moment he just wanted to be left alone. Ming laid his head back against the tree and looked up at the sky.

Jiang made his way to Lian's classroom where he found Han and Kun talking to him. Jiang pushed his way in as he picked Kun up and shoved him against the wall. Lian ran over trying to pull them part.

''What are you doing Jiang'' he said.

Kun just smiled as he looked at Jiang ''So they told you'' he said ''Figured. You always come to defend him. Why not confess how you really feel for him?''

Jiang smiled and laughed ''You're right'' he said ''I do like Ming and care for him deeply. That's why I won't stand by and let someone like you hurt him the way you did.''

Lian took a step back ''What are they both of you talking about'' he asked.

Jiang looked over at Lian then back at Kun ''Your friend here was the one that told the school all about Ming'' he said ''He also came to the our classroom and told Ming to stay away from you or else it would get worse for him.''

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