Chapter Three

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Jiang was laughing and talking with his friends when he happened to look over and saw Ming sitting on his computer. He smiled telling his friend he would be right back. He walked over and tapped on the table. Ming felt the tap and looked up to find Jiang standing there. He took one of his headphones out.

Jiang pointed to his own mouth ''Are you sick'' he asked.

Ming reached up and noticed he was still wearing his mask ''Yes'' he answered. It was true he didn't feel good due to staying up all night studying.

Jiang nodded a bit then looked back at his friends then back to Ming ''Want to join us for a bit'' he said pointing behind him ''After this we are heading to the mall and maybe a movie.''

Ming looked then shook his head ''No thank you'' he said closing up his computer and placing it in his bag ''After I leave here I plan to go to the market then home.'' He stood pulling his coat on and his scarf.

Just then Lian, Kun and Han walked in. Jiang turned and waved ''Oh Lian you made it'' he said a bit loud.

Ming froze and looked over to see Lian walking over to them ''Yeah, practice ended early so we thought to join after all.'' He stopped next to Jiang and smiled ''Oh Ming, are you joining us as well?''

Ming shook his head ''No'' he said softly grabbing his back then walking past them heading out the door. 

Lian followed behind and grabbed a hold of Ming's wrist ''Are you sick'' he said looking at Ming's face ''You're wearing a mask. Do you feel ok?'' Lian reached up and placed the back of his hand on Ming's forehead.

Ming took a step back and pulled his arm away ''I am fine'' he said ''Just a bit unwell due to pulling an all nighter last night.''

Lian nodded and placed his hands in his pocket ''Why not come with us then and have some fun'' he said ''It's not good to always stay locked up studying.''

Ming wanted to reject Lian's offer but he didn't know how. Just as he was about to everyone walked out and was yelling for Lian to hurry up. Lian smiled looking at Ming then grabbed his arm and pulled him with him ''Come on'' he said pulling Ming along with him.

Ming didn't know what to do or say to make him stop. When they reached the group of friend everyone was a bit shocked to see Ming standing there. One of the girls smiled and walked over to him ''It's good you can join us, Ming'' she said ''I'm Rose.''

Ming nodded keeping his head down ''I know all of your names'' he said softly.

Rose laughed ''That's great'' she said ''Then we won't have to go through all that.''

Kun stepped up and patted Ming's shoulder ''Well then shall we go'' he said smiling.

Everyone turned and started to walk off. Lian wrapped his arm around Ming's neck and pulled him along. He smiled and laughed with the other as they walked around the mall but he never left Ming's side. Lian finally broke away from Ming to look at something inside one of the stores. Ming stood outside the store and sighed a bit rubbed the back of his head. He pulled his mask down to breath a bit.

Jiang walked over to him placing a cold drink against his cheek ''Lian can act like a kid sometimes'' he said handing the drink to Ming.

''Thanks'' he said taking and drinking it. Ming looked back to see Lian laughing and Joking around with Kun ''He also does what he likes as well.''

Jiang nodded and laugh ''Yeah, but he wants everyone to have fun as well as be happy'' Jiang looked in as well ''Maybe that's why he brought you along.''

Ming looked at Jiang confused ''What do you mean?''

Jiang kept watching Lian ''Everyone at schools knows that you like to be alone and don't have any friends and maybe that's what best fits you, but for someone like Lian, he is always around people and is always laughing'' Jiang turned and looked at Ming ''He wants that for you as well. He wants to try and break you from your shell hoping that you will learn to open up a bit even if it's just to him.''

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