⚔️ 9 ⚔️

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"You're blushing~!" Corvus sang in a sing-song tone, interrupting Enya from her through.

"I am not!" She exclaimed and swatted his arm. "Don't lie!"

"You're as red as as a strawberry right now!" Corvus laughed as he attempted to dodge another swat thrown at him. "Hey hey careful, you're going to knock me off the side of the mountain!"

"Ugh just hush up and keep walking!" Enya huffed and folded her arms over her chest before storming past Corvus.

"Yep, you definitely found yourself a keeper Soren." The huntsman chuckled softly to himself before following her.

They continued to walk in silence up the trail until Enya could see the cave at the other end. She hurried forward, hoping the three kids were alright when she saw Rayla and Ezran kneeling over Callum.

"Guys! You're okay!" Enya called out. Both Ezran and Rayla lifted their heads to see her and Ezran gave out a cry of relief before rushing over to hug her.

"Enya! You're okay!" Ezran cried as he hugged her tightly. "Callum's hurt!"

"What?! What did he do?" Enya asked in worry and looked over at the passed out teen. His skin was very pale now, and he was sweating up a storm like he was feverish and dark circles were under his eyes.

"This idiot did dark magic, that's what he did!" Rayla replied as she wiped the sweat off Callum's brow. "I can't believe he did that!"

"Dark magic? How did he even do that?" Enya asked as she and Ezran walked back over to Callum to kneel down next to him. "Oh Callum what did you do?"

"That red dragon that was flying over the town nearby, it got hit by a ballista and crashed in the woods, Soren and Claudia were gonna cut her up and use her for dark magic." Rayla explained. "I tried to cut her free, but they had chained her down and Callum stole some dark magic book from Claudia and did some kind of spell to turn the chains into snakes."

"And then the dragon got free and starting fighting with Soren, but she hit him with her tail and he crashed into a rock." Ezran added. "Zym left the cave to stopped her from finishing off Soren, he's okay but...I think he's badly injured."

Enya felt panic rise in her chest, the same sort of panic she felt when she found out her brothers were missing. "How bad?"

"He...he said he couldn't move."

No...no no no that couldn't be true. First she finds Callum in a comma from using dark magic and now she just finds out her friend fought a dragon and survived, but was probably unable to move.

"I think they took him back to the town." Ezran added, as if reading Enya's mind. "You can go to see for yourself."

"You two stay here, I'll be back as soon as I can." Enya said rising to her feet and looks to Rayla. "I trust you again to look after my brothers."

"Just be careful." Rayla replied and gave her a nod. "We're not going anywhere, not with Callum like this."

"I'll be back, I promise." And with that, Enya took off.


"Can I get some water, please?" Soren asked the nurse who was busy adjusting his pillows. "I'm feeling a bit thirsty."

"Of course." The nurse said and grabbed a cup from the small table that was set next to Soren's bed and a jug to pour some water into it and pressed it to his lips. "Open up now."

Soren did as he was told and took a few sips before emptying the cup and thanking the nurse before he walked back to tend to other patients. He felt terrible now, people were calling him a hero for saving the town but all he had done for them was bring the danger he apparently saved them from. And to make matters worse, this place was Enya's old hometown, the one he heard her tell Corvus about when they were traveling. At this point she probably hated him by now for endangering a lot of innocent people, but he hoped that she was okay and found the princes, and hopefully took them far away somewhere with Corvus and the elf assassin.

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