Chapter 1

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My name is Akira Kawashina.

I'm a 17 year old third-year student who just transferred to Fujimi Academy. My parents have experiment on me since I was born. They did care about me, through.

They just wanted me to be able to heal myself without hospitals.

So I put up with it, till I'm strong enough for my body to repair any injury I sustained. Even if I lost a limb, that body part will grow back.

After my parents death, I changed my name and transferred myself to a private school, that's famous in Tokonosu City. Which was a big change, since I was always in public school since I was a toddler.

About myself is that I have silver/grey short messy hair, pure gold eyes, pale skin and I have an athletic build as I was a member of the track club at my old school, but I changed to karate club once I got to Fujimi.

About myself is that I have silver/grey short messy hair, pure gold eyes, pale skin and I have an athletic build as I was a member of the track club at my old school, but I changed to karate club once I got to Fujimi

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(Akira 🔝)

I stand at 5'10 in height and a slight 6pack abs from all the running and fighting I do.

On the day that was the start of the zombie apocalypse, I was skipping cause I can't stand the teacher of the class I was put in. 3-A is mostly filled with brainwashed idiots thanks to the homeroom teacher; Koichi Shido. That man gives me a bad feeling. The only person in that class who has some common sense is my classmate; Saeko Busujima who I heard is the captain of the kendo club.

And based on how popular she is with the other students and teachers alike, I think she must be unbeatable if so many people in this school praise her where ever she goes.

I was in the arts and crafts room when the intercoms came on and a teacher's voice was heard. After his death was broadcasted throughout the whole campus of Fujimi Academy, every thing went quiet. I swallowed some spit that build up in my mouth as I heard hundreds of screams filled the whole campus.

I stood on my feet and began to look around for a weapon but there was nothing to use so I left the club room too see students running outside and through the windows of the classroom building. I turn my head and rush to the sasumata staff nearby.

I was only in the second floor of the management building where the faculty room is located so I decided to run to the ground floor to get to the gym and hope for something better to use than a spear like weapon.

So I start running down the staircase and when I get outside is when I hear glass shattering and when I turn my head to the sound I saw a male student on the heavy side, tackle a girl out the window just as she lets out a scream.

I rush to the girl, as I doug past other panicked students in the courtyard and run to girl just as the male student bites into the side of her neck! So I rushed over kick the guy off her, and quickly swoop down to pick the girl up and run back inside the management building to do something I'm not sure will save her.

Once inside, I run to the nearby boy's bathroom and set the girl on the floor gently. I imdeatly look at her to see she was turning pale and losing blood so I search my pockets for my pocket knife and cut the side of my hand and put my hand into a fist to let the blood drop into her neck wound and make her drink some.

I just watch with bartered breath as the girl's injury starts to close and her skin turns back to its normal color.

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