
For the next couple of days, I came in to see my partner.  I left him the occasional bouquet.  His friends and family also came in to check on him, bringing their own gifts as well.  But then I had gotten word from one of my colleagues that he was awake.  And that's why I was here, in the hospital, letting out a sigh before entering room 845.  I shut the door behind me and walked over to his bedside, crossing my arms nervously.  "Hey," I said and emerald eyes opened.  As soon as he saw me, he smiled.  "Hey,"
I took a seat in the chair, running a hand through my hair.  "How are you?" I asked, mental cursing myself at the stupidity of the question.  "Could be better." he replied, shifting and wincing afterwards.  I reached out for him, but stopped myself halfway.  His gaze landed on the item clutched in my left hand.  "Those for me?" he asked and when I looked down, I remembered the flowers.  "Oh, yeah, uh . . . here." I muttered awkwardly, feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.  I handed the bouquet to him and he smiled.  I felt my heart flutter oddly and turned away to look out the window.  "I'm sorry." I said and his face suddenly fell.  "For what?"
"For letting you go alone.  I knew I shouldn't have, I should've gone after you.  If I had been there, maybe I couldv'e —"
"Hey," Eren said, reaching over and taking my hand.  Ocean met emerald.  "It wasn't your fault.  I chose to go after that guy even when you told me not to.  And you were right."
I swallowed, looking down at our clasped hands.  "As usual."
I giggled, drawing circles on his skin absentmindedly.  "So, what happened?" I asked.  I hadn't known what went down and it had been killing me.  "I chased him to the underpass and he met up with a bunch of other guys.  They saw me and took after me.  Chased me down when I ran.  I think they just wanted money and didn't realize who I was.  I didn't give it to them, so this happened." he said, gesturing to his wounds with his free hand.  "Was he in some sort of gang?"
"I don't know. But whatever they were doing, chances are it wasn't legal."
We fell into a comfortable silence until I found myself speaking.  "Hey, um . . . for what it's worth . . ."

I muttered and I had no idea what I was saying.  "I'm . . . I'm proud of you."
Eren looked at me and I gave a gentle smile.  "When we first met, I hated your guts.  I thought you were an absolute dick."
He scoffed with mock offense and I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips.  "But . . . you're . . . you're the most amazing person I know."
The silence in the room was suffocating me and I looked away from emerald eyes.  "So . . . thank you for . . . for being in my life."
He didn't say anything.  He didn't crack a joke or tell me how cheesy I was like I had expected.  But then he muttered it so quietly, I almost didn't hear.  "You're pretty amazing too."
I smiled sheepishly, shaking my head.  "Not really."
"Are you kidding me?" he asked incredulously, propping himself up on his elbow and causing me to reach out again in worry.  "Name one thing that isn't perfect about you."
I blushed but shrugged it off.  "Uh, well for one thing, I'm nowhere near as strong as you."
"Bullshit.  You once took down five guys because I got my ass in trouble.  Next."
"I'm a burden to the force."
"Again, bullshit.  You're the smartest person in the entire unit and we'd be completely lost without you."
"I lack stamina."
"I've seen you chase down criminals at top speed for multiple blocks.  Continue."
"I get anxious for no reason."
"You've kept your cool in crazy situations and saved everyone because they didn't know what they were doing."
"I don't make a difference."
"Pretty sure you make the city safer at least once everyday."
"I'm not good looking."
"You're beautiful."
"I'm useless."
"You've helped so many families get their kids back or get closure for ones they've lost.  And also, you're not useless.  That's a fact."
"Says who?"
"Says me."
"Oh and you know everything, do you?"
"Are you trying to insult me?"
I let out a laugh at this, feeling a little better about everything.  Though I blushed at his compliments, I tried to ignore the fluttering in my chest, but to no avail.  I felt a hand cup my cheek and I looked to see Eren give me that smile.  The one that I rarely saw and that only seemed to be reserved for me.  It was one that was genuine and shimmering and it made me completely breathless whenever I saw it.  And this time was no exception.  "Armin," he said and I felt a bit lightheaded.  "Eren," I managed and he leaned closer.  "Armin," 

Our noses bumped against each other and I blushed, my lungs becoming suddenly dysfunctional at the proximity.  I could feel myself trembling slightly, my breathing ragged and I swallowed nervously.  "Eren," I said again, somehow keeping my voice steady despite my pounding heart.  He gave a soft smile and mumbled, "Armin," before he closed the gap between us and pressed our lips together.  It took a moment for the fact that Eren was kissing me to register in my brain, but once it did, I was tangling my fingers in chocolate hair and returning the kiss eagerly.  We separated only to come back together and my entire world seemed to stop as all I could focus on was Eren and how his lips were moving against mine, his tongue slipping into my mouth.  I gasped as our tongues danced and I thought I must've been dreaming.  I let out something between a whine and a whimper as he pressed one last incredible kiss to my lips before pulling away and giving me that smile.  "I'm glad I got stabbed." he said and I laughed at how ridiculous that was.  "Shut up, no you're not."

"Actually, you're right, I'm really not." he said, clutching his side and laying back down.  "It doesn't feel too great.  Oh, by the way, thanks.  For saving my life."

"You're welcome."

I grinned and he returned it, the intertwining of our fingers having a whole new meaning.  "But as long as you're around, I'll keep getting stabbed over and over again if it means I can keep kissing you."

I giggled.  "You don't need to get stabbed to do that." I said before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

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