Fighting Practice

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Armin liked fighting practice with Eren. All the other cadets would go all out, using their best skills and tactics and ultimately winning against his own mediocre abilities. He just wasn't that strong. But he could use his brain, figuring out the best ways to avoid blows or send his opponent flying before even touching him. So Armin depended more on his mind than his fists. But Eren went easy on him. And sure, when he thought about it, he felt a little more than weak when he knew that Eren wasn't even really trying and still brought him to his knees, but he could get better. No one else gave him the chance, striking him so quick or so hard he'd be knocked off his feet before he knew what was happening. But Eren was gentle, giving more teasing blows than the others. And this gave Armin a perfect setting to practice. And Eren would help him with his moves which would only help him improve.

But this was out of the ordinary. They never practiced outside of training when they had spare time. They would talk with Mikasa, Eren might get into an argument with Jean, that sort of more domestic thing. But here Armin was, standing facing the brunet, surprised by the words that had fallen from his lips. "What?" he asked again, thinking he must've misheard. "Do you want to practice fighting?" Eren said again, this time more of a statement than a question. "I think they're getting suspicious."

"They think we're faking it?"

"We need to make it more realistic. Or we could train harder, if you're up for that."

Armin looked away, taking a second to collect his thoughts before turning to Eren again. "Alright."

The brunet got into position, raising his fists. "Okay, hit me."

"Wait, here?" he asked, referring to the empty field around them. They were actually on their way to the barracks to ask if Mikasa wanted to eat with them instead of that Annie girl. Armin had said she would refuse but Eren was persistent. "Why not? Come on, it's grass; it's soft." he said with a grin. Armin tried to give him a glare but smiled despite himself. He copied Eren's movements, setting a good stance. He moved quickly, tapping the blond's face before he could even take a step. "You're dead." he said, pulling back. Armin let out a breath, getting ready before starting towards him, planning his next move before he could himself. But the brunet took another swing when he wasn't looking, poking his side and making him yelp. "You're dead." he said again. This continued, Armin's frustration with himself growing the more he failed. He could do this. Planning out a new strategy he had been working on, Armin got into a ready stance. This method relied entirely on deflection, rather than physical strength. He would simply change the blow's direction, essentially using Eren's strength against him. The boy came at him again, moving to strike his side but Armin was quick, using his wrist and sending the brunet swirling past him. Eren whipped his head around, a seemingly shocked look on his face and the blond repressed a smile. He remembered a technique he'd seen Reiner use once, though during training he was always either too nervous to try it himself or never got the chance with other cadets. As Eren ran at him again, he blocked his swing, hitting the backs of his knees and knocking him off his feet. He fell to the ground, Armin following along with him, landing with his thighs around Eren's hips. He pinned him to the ground and smirked a bit breathlessly. "You're dead." he repeated. But then the boy had grabbed his shoulders and switched them around, pinning Armin to the ground instead. Armin struggled to get away, but he was no match for Eren when it came to strength. So he gave up, staring up at the brunet and trying to catch his breath. Something changed in Eren's eyes, something so small Armin wasn't certain he had seen it in the first place. But then the brunet had pressed their lips together hurriedly and Armin thought his heart had exploded. The kiss lasted only a few seconds before Eren pulled away, lips still inches from Armin's own. The blond thought about his options before deciding he didn't want to think anymore. He grabbed Eren's face in his hands before bringing their mouths together again. Their lips moved in sync, fitting together perfectly like puzzle pieces that had just found each other. When they finally pulled away after what seemed like an eternity, Armin thought there would be a difference in the air — a weirdness almost — but found that everything between them was exactly the same, just not fully explored.

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