Like that night, his mind was numb, his stomach twisting in a sickening way. This wasn't supposed to happen. Eren had always been a little reckless — never really thinking things through before acting. But that's where Armin came in. He was the one who thought of the consequences of Eren's actions. Even when he had already gone through with them. But this time . . . this time he had been too late.

He had called for him, chased after him, hoping he would stop being rash and go back to the rooftop. Away from the titans, with him, safe. But he hadn't listened, overrun with the need to avenge Thomas and kill the abnormal that had eaten him alive. Although Armin had chased after him nearly the moment he set off, swinging between buildings with ease, he hadn't reached him in time. The abnormal had attacked, ripping off his leg and sending him crashing into the nearest rooftop. Armin's world had slowed as he watched Eren slide harshly across the shingles, blood pouring from his wound. He landed on the building across from him, making sure the titan had left before turning to look at his friend. He saw the injury, saw the blood, saw Eren's unmoving body. He was gone . . .

Armin could do nothing but stare, his mouth open, eyes blown wide, in complete shock. His lungs stopped working, his heart beating with a slow, painful rhythm. His legs shook and eventually he fell to his knees, not feeling the pain from landing on the stone. Everything Armin knew, everything he was, everything he'd ever loved, was ripped out from under him just like that. Armin didn't know how to live, how to breathe, how to think without Eren by his side. He hadn't realized how fully he depended on him until now, a dull thud echoing through his mind. He finally registered the thud as something to his left and he glanced that way to see a titan staring at him. But he couldn't bring himself to move. Why should he? Eren was gone. There was nothing to live for anymore. He didn't notice the titan picking him up, or the way his feet dangled above it's open mouth. Armin finally realized what was about to happen to him when he was being dropped down the monster's throat. His instincts kicked in and he screamed, trying to stop himself from going down.

A hand suddenly reached out and grabbed his own and when he looked up he saw Eren, somehow back from the dead. In that moment, Armin's heart swelled, relieved that he was alive. He stared in shock at the familiar face before him, now alive with the anger that always burned in his emerald eyes. But then he was being thrown out of the titan's mouth, landing hard on his side. He darted up, his heart beating fast in terror. He whipped his head around, watching his friend hold open the jaws of the beast. "EREN!" he yelled. "Armin . . ." he replied weakly, reaching his left arm out to him. "Listen . . . . The world you told me about . . . I want to see it . . . ."

Armin felt tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "I . . . have to . . . ."

Suddenly, Armin snapped out of his shock, remembering how much danger Eren was in. "EREN!" he cried, outstretching his arm to grab him. He saw the look in Eren's eyes before the titan's jaws closed, his arm severed and falling towards the ground. The force of the impact caused Armin's hair to fly around his face, tears rolling quickly down his cheeks. He stared in shock for a moment before his emotions became too much and he let out a blood-curdling scream. He felt as if his soul was being ripped from his body, like someone was grabbing his heart and trying to pull it from his chest. Everything was gone, he had no reason to live anymore. He had just seen Eren, his best friend, the boy he loved, get eaten alive by a titan. And it was all because of him . . . .

If he had just been able to move, he could've gotten to Eren and taken him to safety. But it was because of his inability to be a soldier, to continue with the mission, that had killed him. Eren was dead because of him . . . .


The next thing he knew, Connie was shaking his shoulders, saying his name over and over again. He just stared at him and heard him ask something about what had happened. But Armin couldn't hear him. He thought he heard someone tell him to leave him alone, but he wasn't sure. But that was before Mikasa showed up. He couldn't tell her what had happened. Eren was her brother and if she knew it was his fault he was dead, she would kill him. Mikasa talked to him, asking him what had happened to her brother, the person she loved like a son.

Eremin Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora