"But it is still affecting you."

Groaning, I cleared my throat. "My husband left me. He wanted to have a break and that isn't anything new to me. We've been doing the same thing for years now."

Ryan kept a straight face as I babbled on.

"I always thought that we will work it out, we always do. But this morning he dropped off divorce papers." I quickly rubbed the tears that threatened to drop. "He, he... wants a divorce, and I don't know what to do. I don't know why. He is seeing someone else. I am lost. I only moved down here because when we were together, he got a job down here and then he leaves me. He doesn't want to help with Willow, he doesn't want to pay child support." I stopped as soon as my voice cracked.

Don't cry, I told myself. Don't cry.

"Wow, you really are burdened by all that." Ryan said softly.

I nodded, looking at my fingers in my lap. "I'm sorry. Like I said, my problems."

"Well, they are mine too now. You work for me and I can't have an unhappy worker." Ryan smiled.

I looked up to Ryan. "That's sweet, but I'll be fine. I will carry on. Besides, how many times can the same person hurt me like this? I should be use to it all by now." I shrugged, giving Ryan a fake smile.

Ryan frowned. "How many times has this happened?"

"A few." I answered in a whisper. "We started seeing each other in high school. I thought he would be my happy ever after." I then blushed, realising how stupid that sounded. "Oh goodness, I'm sorry." I quickly got up to walk away. "I should get Willow and go, before she falls asleep."


But I ignored him, rushing to the room Willow was in. I could see her eyes threatening to shut. "Will. Come on. Time to go." I said, snapping her out off her sleepy trance.

Willow sat up and nodded, turning the tv off. "Okay, mum." She grumbled out, coming to me. "Bye Ryan." Now she sounded more energetic. "See you tomorrow?"

"Sure thing." Ryan stated as we went to the front door.

We got in the car and I started it up. "Mummy?"

"Hum, yeah baby?"

"I like Ryan." Willow yawned.

"Just don't go interrupting him when he is busy, okay baby?" I stated, taking the drive home.

"Okay, mummy."



I felt for Harper, I really did. She was a single mother, her ex sounds like a dead beat. I listened while she unburdened herself the other night and I could see how torn she was.

This man, her ex has hurt her so many times. But she takes him back, everytime. She claims it's love, to keep her family together. I think its habit. That she is too scared to believe that she can do it without this ex of hers.

When I first saw Harper, I would be lying if I said she wasn't attractive. She is more than attractive. It's rare, but I've seen a genuine smile on her face, I've seen how her eyes light up with love when she looks at her daughter.

I kept distant though because I don't like to trust people. I've been burned before because of trust. I regret accusing her for trying to get in to Liz's will. I wish I could take that back. But I've seen how sad she really is. She is a sad person. Harper tries to hide it and she does a great job sometimes, but she is wrapped together with sticky tape and I see the sadness creep out through the cracks.

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