I MISS HIM!...wait what!? Chapter 8-

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|WARNING| This contains strong language, sensitive topics, bullying themes, over flowing cuteness, and a shit load of other things (some don't even make sense I'm just a little bitch who thinks everyone else is too)

-Virgil's POV-
Him. He's the only one I can think about. I miss him. He had to stay home because he was suspended. 3 days without Roman at school. It hasn't even been first period and I'm losing it. Logan noticed too. For some reason he seemed almost happy I miss Roman. Anyways he's says it's the perfect time for me to meet Patton his boyfriend. So I did. He's a very nice dude. Just kidding he's the best! We instantly became good friends! Patton calls me his dark Strange son while I call him dad. He's like a parent I've never had before! Anyways that's not the big thing. The big thing is that I miss Roman. I craved to see him. Logan sat next to me.
            "You miss Roman don't you?" He asked amused. I shake my head and burry my face in my hoodie like a toddler.
             "I don't know why," I say. Logan smirks a little but doesn't say a word. Deep inside of me I know why. Class finally started when the teacher walked in. I couldn't even focus. The teachers voice was drowned out by my thoughts of roman. How does he affect me so much? I couldn't comprehend anything that I was thinking. Do I like Roman? No that's impossible. Right? I don't know.
            "Virgil! What's the answer to number 5?" Asked the teacher, snapping me out of my daze. I looked him straight in the eye.
            "R-Roman?" I say bluntly, stuttering a bit. The class burst in giggles while the teacher sighs and explains number 5. My face turns bright red at the realization of my answer. I NEED TO STOP. That's how the rest of the school day went. Me not focusing in class because of Roman. Look what you did to me Roman! When I got home everything was better. Roman was there to greet me in the best way possible.

-Roman's POV-
When Virgil walks through the door, I sprint over to meet him. He catches my eye and instantly I knew it was time. Here we go. I grab his chin and lift it up. Soon my lips were on his. At first Virgil was surprised but then melted into the kiss. All our love and lust was pulled together in that one kiss. Everything I've been holding back was finally overflowing. It was only 7 seconds but it felt like hours of us kissing. I pull back and look at Virgil. His face was flushed.
            "I missed you," I cooed in his ear, sending chills down his spin. He blushed even more and looked away.
             "I missed you too Roman," he muttered before letting me embrace him. Why is he so adorable!? I trace his back with my finger, making him shiver. "R-Roman?" He asked, stuttering slightly.
               "Yes my love?" I asked, huskily. Virgil gulped then turned towards me, still in my arms.
                "Does this mean we're dating?" He asked. I smirked. Even cuter.
                 "Yes of course my prince! Well if you want," I said. Virgil nodded his head. I pulled him into another kiss but this time it was heated. Our tongues fighting for dominance. (You know you've read to many fan fics when you consider this line common) We pulled back after a little, gasping for air.
                  "Roman.....I've had a crush on you for a little while," He confessed. I chuckled.
                    "I've had a crush on you since day one," I say winking. Virgil looked at me confused. "I'm the theatre kid who has an eye on you," I confess. This brought Virgil to a fit of giggles. I decided to tickle him since he was already giggling, causing him to giggle even more.

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