The kingdoms call

Start from the beginning

"No idea sir." The first scientist said.

"Maybe when we find them we can create a trade deal so that we can take their tech and wipe the Grimm and the White fang off the face of remnant." Ironwood announced.

"Let's hope." Both scientists said.

White Fang base 3 POV

Inside a base in Vale, Adam Taurus was destroying everything in his room. Anyone that tried to check up on him would almost die to him. "I will find everyone single one of you and kill you all!" Adam yelled while slicing his bed in two. "No one will escape us. No one will defeat us. Those that kill us shall be destroyed!"

1 month later 3rd POV

Jaune was in his office checking over the gear they have. Thanks to the new recruits they have more marines, ODST's and pilots. Thanks to the factories the constructs built they are now producing arms, armor, jet packs, ammo, vehicles, pelicans, falcons, Sabre's and finally Longswords.

Trevor took the ODST's, the grizzly tanks and a few pelicans and falcons to the forerunner structure where we have 20,000 civilians starting the new town. They named the town last light.

They also finished a new Berlin class light frigate and sent that to Schwartz who will be the naval commander for Trevor, while Jaune took control of the ships Schwartz brought with him and formed the ships into the 1st fleet. Schwartz is starting the 2nd fleet at new light. At the town they are currently building a hades class heavy cruiser. At Harvest not only are they building the battleship, they are building 2 hades heavy cruisers to strengthen the first fleet. Some People from different villages we saved are becoming soldiers while some of our soldiers are wanting to turn into the police.

Trevor even had a Faunus girlfriend name sapphire that is a deer Faunus who is also a new ODST who he had transferred to his squad. When Jaune saves a few more villages, many of the people came with him to harvest. While that was happening Trevor and his troopers were dealing with the grimm in the nearby areas.

Today was a day in which Jaune was sleeping in. He was at his captains courtiers when there was a knock at his door. He opened his left eye and faced the door to see if it was real. A few seconds later another knock occurred. He slowly got off of his bed and walked to the door dragging his feet.

"Who is it!?" He questioned.

"Who do ya think!" The voice yelled back. "One of the prisoners talked. Also Dragon wants to talk to you." Jaune opened up the the door to see Trevor in black shorts and a blue tank top with black sneakers.

"What the fuck are you wearing." Jaune laughed. Trevor pushed him back into his room and went it and close the door. "So what did you find?"

"First what the hell are you wearing." Trevor asked. Jaune wore sweatpants that had kittens on them with no shirt showing off his muscles and scars. "Second we have a few more base locations."

"Good good." Jaune said. The white fang grunts they took prisoner were forced to be in the hospital for 2 weeks for their wounds. "Where is the closest one?"

"One klick from this in the woods. 40 klicks from Vale." Trevor said. "Zeta." Trevor said and the A.I. of Jaune's mom appeared. She appeared to have blond hair with blue eyes in leather armor.

"Good evening boys." Zeta chuckled.

"Hello Zeta." Jaune said.

"Zeta May you show Jaune where White Fang base delta is." Trevor said.

"Of course." Zeta replied. A second later a map of the area appeared with 5 kilometers in every direction.

"Thank you Zeta." Trevor said. "They are in this area and I sent my recon to search the surrounding area. Intelligence suggests that this is a supply base."

The Arcs fleet of justiceWhere stories live. Discover now