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Emma sat beside Regina she smiled. "Buenos días mi amor." (Good morning my love).
Regina smiled and lightly touched Emma's hand. Buenos días señorita cisne." (Good morning miss swan).
Emma brushes Regina's hair out of her face. "You woke up mi amor."
Regina nodded. "Yo prometí." (I promised).
Emma squeezed Regina's hand. "When did you start speaking Spanish my love?"
Regina blushed. "toda mi vida." (All my life).
Emma smiled. "I learned when I was younger. I guess I only remember some."
Regina winced slightly and pulled herself into a sitting position. "That's fine. Not everyone knows spanish."
"After five days I'd say you did more than survive." Emma said.
Regina smiled. "I guess so."
Emma looked at Regina. "I can't believe all it took was a death curse for me to tell you that I love you."

Two months had passed:
"Emma I swear to god if you do not tell your parents-"
Emma slammed her hands on the table. "Shut up! For one second would you just shut up?!"
Regina shut her mouth and looked at Emma. "Excuse me?"
Emma ran her fingers through her hair. "I'm not telling them. You know how much they hate you Regina."
Regina crossed her arms. "Then leave. I don't want to be with someone who is afraid to tell anyone about our relationship."
Emma looked at Regina. "You don't mean that."
Regina walked to the door and pulled it open. "Get out miss. Swan."
Emma gave Regina a dark look. "Goodbye madam mayor." She snapped and walked out of the door pulling it shut sharply behind her.
Regina closed her eyes. She looked out the window at the blonde who stormed away. Regina touched the glass slightly. "If you would tell someone. Anyone Emma." She mumbled and walked away from the window.
The evening led Regina to walk downtown. Now everyone have her the same glares but she felt unsafe without Emma beside her. She walked to the park and closed her eyes as she stood by a tree. She leaned against it and let out a breath. "I should have died." She mumbled.
"No. Don't ever say that again." The blondes familiar voice said from behind the tree, on the walkway.
Regina turned to look at her. "Why are you so scared to hide our relationship?"
Emma looked at the ground, digging her toe against the cement. "You know how everyone is. I just-" she sighed an looked up. "I was scared."
"Of what? Of me? I wouldn't let them hurt you. I don't care how they treat me but I wouldn't let them hurt you Emma." Regina said walking over to the blonde.
Emma looked at Regina. "Don't ever say you should have died again."
Regina looked at the blonde. "It would have made your life easier."
Emma shook her head. She bit back tears. "No. I need you. You are so important to me Regina. Why can't you see that?"
"I shouldn't have asked you to leave." Regina said. "Will you come back?"
Emma smiled. "Of course. And I'll tell people about our relationship. I'm sorry. And I'm so glad you didn't die." She said touching Regina's cheek. "I'm so glad. I need you in my life Regina."

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