Jumping Ahead - Steven and Nicky

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Winter, 1973 - January


In late seventy-two we were signed with Columbia.  We just released an album a few days ago.  As for Charlie, according to Nicky she's very happy.  Yes, I've been talking to Nicky.  It seems that this guy at some record store down in Woonsocket sells for a lot cheaper than the guy we get from in Hopedale.  And it's only a ten extra minute drive anyway, so what's the harm?  As it turns out, Nicky buys from the guy who owns the record store, so we run into him occasionally.  Also, his friends got a lot of good stuff.  And Brad likes Pink (even though she claims to have a boyfriend).


"You cool, man?" Joe asked me one night.  He knew that the whole Charlie thing hit me pretty hard (I don't even remember the first few days afterwards).  But we had to keep it on the down-low because, of course, Annie.  Sometimes I question if I made the right choice, but then I think, Yes, of course I did, because it was the logical decision.  I've been with Annie longer.

        But sometimes I can't help but think how different things would be if Charlie were the one sitting next to me right now, asleep on my shoulder, instead of Annie.  One for sure thing: Charlie wouldn't be using Joe as a footrest.

        "Yeah," I lied.  "Fine."

        "Liar," Joey said.

        "Shut up, Joey," I said, immediately on the defensive.  Joe snorted.  I can't tell them about my thoughts about things being different because it would probably make Joe murderous.  He loves her, you know.

        Anyway, "You just look like you're thinking, is all," Joe states.  "Don't hurt yourself."

        Joey laughed at that.  "I said shut up, Joey," I snap again.  This only causes him to laugh harder.

        That's typically how the nights went when we weren't doing anything.


Later in 1973 - April

"Oh my God, I love you guys!" exclaimed the girl with massive red curls.  She's probably only like sixteen or something, but nobody really seems to care.

        "And we love you," Brad said.  She beamed.

        Ever since our self-titled album came out a few months ago, we've been getting a lot more recognition.  We also no longer got kicked out of bars for playing originals, because, well, we can play originals now.  Because we released an album.  An album.  We released it.  Aerosmith.  Us.

        I don't remember her name, because I wasn't really listening, but I think it started with a J.  Maybe a T.  I honestly have no clue.  But it doesn't really matter because I've got a girlfriend.

        That's right, folks.  I've managed to have one girlfriend and only one girlfriend for quite awhile now.  Almost a whole year.  It's kind of gone by in a blur, too, which is strange.  It's hard to believe that it's already nineteen seventy-three.  It's even harder to believe that I broke up with Charlie almost a year ago.  I wonder if she still thinks about me.  I still think about her.  I still miss her, but it doesn't hurt so much anymore.  I've got Annie; I'm happy.  I'm okay.

        And that's how things went.  Quickly.  We were touring for our album, now.  Shows were getting bigger, audiences crazier.  We weren't typically just the 'opening band' anymore.  And it was really, really cool.  I mean, how many of you can honestly say you've recorded in a studio before?  Sure, I've been there done that, but I've only ever done forty-fives.  We're talking a thirty-three; a twelve inch record.  This is insane!  And the best part, Columbia wants another.  So Joe and I started writing more songs.

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