Chapter One - Day 1 in Captivity

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"No! Please! Don't do this, please, I'm begging you!" Midoriya screamed, the knees of his jeans dirtying as they scraped across the floor, and the hands wrapped around his wrists tightening as he was brought even closer to the metal door ahead of him. Or at least, that's what he assumed it was; between his delirium and the countless tears flooding his vision he doubted he'd be able to tell a nuclear reactor from an energy drink at this point.

"Jesus Christ! For a genius, you're such a fucking pussy! Grow a pair of balls, all we're doing is kidnapping you... for now... the torture comes later," One of the hand's owners chuckled as they finally reached the supposed metal door.

"Alright kid, in ya go..." The other hand's owner groaned, unlocking and pushing open the door, before throwing the green-haired boy through and closing the door behind him.

"No, please!" Midoriya cried once more, scrambling up onto his feet and running towards the door, before banging against the metal with as much strength as he could muster.

This was... not a successful endeavour.

It didn't take the boy long to realise that he wasn't going to be getting through the door any time soon. It didn't really take the boy long to realise anything- that was one of the reasons he was here after all. Sobbing once more, Midoriya allowed himself to fall back onto his knees; the pain in his hands from banging against the metal overruling the pain his knees felt from being dragged.

"So this is really it for me?" The boy croaked, rubbing his arm across his face to clear it of tears; something that would have definitely worked better if they weren't being silently replaced, before standing back up onto his less-than-stable legs. He had no idea how long he'd been knelt at that door, but he did know that he couldn't stay knelt there forever.

"So, erm I doubt there will be a better time to introduce myself- so Imma just do that now..."

Whipping his body around to face the direction the voice had come from was enough to almost make Midoriya fall back down onto his knees; however fall, he did not. His eyes darting around the cave-like room he had found himself in, he eventually focused on the pink-haired girl that sat on some form of metal work-bench.

"O-Oh... I thought I was alone..." A red tint made its way onto Midoriya's face as he once more wiped the tears from his eyes, and brushed himself down; attempting to compose himself.

"Yeah, well, you're not- so... Hi? The name's Hatsume Mei..." The girl coughed, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Midoriya Izuku..." The tension in the air could have been cut with a knife, and both parties knew it. What they didn't know however, was how to effectively do so. Embracing the silence between the two of them, Midoriya walked over to another of the work-benches and began to look over some of the papers that littered it. Some of them were weapons, some of them were tools, and some of them even he struggled to understand what their purpose was.

"So... how long have you been here for?" Midoriya questioned, attempting to break the silence in the air. Hatsume remained silent for a moment, before giving a small sigh.

"If I'm honest... I've been here long enough to not remember how long I've been here..."

The two fell into a silence again; Midoriya deciding to copy the girl in sitting on one of the workbenches; still holding some of the papers in his hand.

"So, what do they want from us?"

"Well, while I've been here, they've had me build and create a bunch of weird weapons for them; quirk restraints; force fields; jetpacks..." Midoriya looked up from the papers in his hand at hearing this, his interest piqued.

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