Chapter 14

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Buduu held onto the jeep tightly, not wanting to fall off.

Alex shot and shot. He aimed at a tire and tried to shoot it but was only given heavy fire.

He ducked under the seat, "THIS IS CRAZY.. AND I LOVE IT!"
They looked in the supplies for anything they could use.

"Not much, but the ammunition would be helpful." Michael said, "Hmm, we have a couple flares, but that would be helpful for escaping, but we could use it to escape now.. what should we do?", "Hey, you better think quick, we're kinda in the middle of a getaway." Kate said.

Alex decided, he quickly looked for anything else in the supplies, but didn't find anything helpful, he shot one flare at the car. Causing it to swerve around, now was their chance to escape.

They drove into the forest, the car bumped up and down and swerved a bit.

"UH OH!" Alex pointed at the tree's  Infront, Kate did a sharp turn and kept driving, for at least 10 minutes before they stopped.

Alex sat there in amazement, breathing heavily, "Hahaha! That was crazy." Alex panted, "Haha, I believed in my driving skills, i definitely did, Whew." Kate said, "That was a wild getaway, I'm surprised we somehow escaped!" Michael exclaimed.

Buduu got off the off road jeep and looked around, they started walking to the treehouse, well they followed Kate.

"Wonder if we got anything good, I was in a rush when looking through the things so I didn't get to see much.", "Well, we did get some flares." Kate responded, "Hmm, where the hell's this treehouse?.. Ah! I think I see it, come on.", Alex asked, "I remember overhearing a conversation, those guards talked about other outposts, which means that this company has other outposts. We could take them over too! We need to show them that they shouldn't mess with us." Michael responded "Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea..", "We'll do it, good idea Alex." Said Kate.

They climbed up the treehouse whilst Buduu took the secret ramp. They put the boxes down in a group and looked inside, "Metal, ammo, rope, bananas."
They layed the things down, sorting them into different storages. They then layed down and munched on bread, still surprised they pulled of that attack.

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