Chapter 2:Katey's Arrival

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As my mother pulled up at a spot near the camp, she waved goodbye and told me to be good and to have fun, and all of that bull crap mothers tend to do.

"Oh and don't forget to-"

I rolled my eyes and turned to face her one last time. "Mom, I'm fine. Now go on." I said and waved at her before she finally left.

I sighed as I walked toward the end of the long line at the registration table, pulling my suitcase behind me. Honestly, I couldn't believe that this many people even cared about the stupid camp. But I figured, if at least half of these people are smart, they didn't really want to come, but was forced by their parents.

I couldn't help but hear a conversation before two of the campers, so, being my nosy self, I secretly listened to the conversation.

"And honestly, I don't think that I have to do it again." A tall, red-haired (like.. Crayon red) boy was saying to a blonde boy who was only a bit taller than him.

Honestly, it took me a little bit for me to realize that I was watching every move they made. I don't know why I was, but I guess I was just intrigued.

"Mike, I think that chick is checking you out." The blonde whispered to his colorful friend.

He looked around a little bit. "Which one?" He asked.

"Brunette batgirl." Blonde boy said.

The red-haired boy looked straight at me. "Her?" He asked his friend.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Excuse me." The lady at the registration table said, trying to catch my attention.

"Oh... Uh sorry." I muttered.

"Name?" She said.

"Uh.. Katey Sk-"

"Move! Out of my way!" A girl yelled as she shoved me to the ground so that she could get in front of me.

"Dude!" I yelled as I quickly stood up. "Why'd you do that?" I questioned, brushing the grass and dirt odd of my pants.

"Because I was trying to get to my mom. Duh." She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Meg! Let the girl finish registration, then I will talk to you. Okay?" The last said to the stupid brat. The girl moved aside, only long enough for me to register.

"Nane?" The lady repeated.

"Katey Skinner." I said slowly.

"Alright. Katey, are you pre-registered as Katherine Skinner?" She asked and I nodded slowly.

"Yeah but I prefer to be called Katey. Please don't ever call me Katherine." I stated.

"Alright, Katey. You are in Cabin 11. The schedule is already in your cabin. So, I hope you have fun, and if you need anything. Anything at all, let me know. Okay?" She said and I shook my head a bit.

"Alright. Well, you said if I need anything.... At all. Can you possibly get me out of this hellhole?" I said, knowing that obviously she couldn't get me out of the camp. I was going to be here until summer ends. Gah.

"Sorry, sweetie. I'm afraid I cannot." She said and I nodded.

"I knew that. It was worth asking." I said and turned to walk away.

"Now move! You're registered now! I need to ask my mom a very important question!" The girl huffed as she shoved me.

"What is so important that you have to interrupt me, Meg?" The lady asked her daughter.

"I need money. Duh." She said to her mother. I quickly walked toward the cabins to try to find Cabin 11.

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