"What did you just write?" Cole asked, trying to look at the page.

I moved it away from his snooping eyes.

"None of your business," I said curtly. "And what plans do you have for the week?"

He raised his eyebrow. "Why do you care?"

I scowled. "I don't. I just have to do the notes. Or did you forget? Boon head," I muttered the last part under my breath.

"What?" he said. "What did you say?"

I gave him a bright and unconvincing smile. "Nothing."

He frowned and gave me an 'oh really' look but didn't say anything.



"Nothing. No plans. Nothing."

I snorted. I hadn't thought so.

"So what are you going to do?"

He shrugged indifferently. "Eh, I don't know."

"Well can you give me some sort of idea? So I know?"

He sighed. "I don't know about all the days but today I have to go to work."

"So I have to come with you?" I sighed.

"Yup," he smirked. "Have you ever even worked?"

I glared at him. "No. working is for the poor."

He shrugged. "And complaining is for the rich, usually ones who can afford it."

"Just tell me where and when to meet you."

He smirked at me. "It's where you ate on Sunday and probably at 4."

I nodded. "Fine, whatever."

I walked away, trying not to listen to the whispers of the students around me who were probably wondering why I was talking to Cole.


I walked into the restaurant and a bubbly blonde walked up to me with a smile on her face.

"Hi there," she grinned.

I gave her a tight smile. "Hi, I'm not actually here to dine, I was just looking for someone, um Cole Jackson, is he in?"

Her smile dimmed a little but she nodded.

"Uh, yeah, can I please get your name?"

"Scarlett Anderson."

"Okay, um, I'll go ask him then," she said unsurely, backing away.

I waited there awkwardly, tapping my foot on the tile. I had come straight after school, turning down Brandon when he asked if we could hang out later. After all the effort I was making for this assignment, I deserved to get an A.

Cole came out the kitchen, an apron on and a tray in hand.

"Oh hey," he nodded his head in greeting and breezed past me with someone's order. I watched as he went to a table in the corner and placed the tray onto the table and efficiently unloaded it.

I pulled out the notebook, which I had remembered to bring and wrote down a few points.

Works at a Italian restaurant - waiter

Can serve people efficiently

Polite to customers (NOTE: this is different from subject's normal behaviour)

I followed Cole into the kitchen after he was done serving the customers and watched as he loaded up another tray.

"Is that all you do?" I asked watching him wipe a few plates to get rid of fingerprints.

"What do you mean?"

"You know...carry food to customers?"

"I also carry used utensils back."

"Yeah, whatever, but is that it?"

He gave me a 'duh' look. "I'm a waiter."


"So what? This is my job."

"But that's boring."

"It earns me cash."

"Why do you need the cash?"

"None of your business."

I frowned at his back but then shrugged and wrote in the diary.

Has a boring job

Gets defensive when money is the subject being talked about

"I have to go make another delivery," he said and brushed past me. "Stay here," he called over his shoulder before disappearing.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored his warning and left the kitchen wandering to a counter that I had spotted earlier that had some snacks and drinks for people who didn't want a full meal.

I felt a little hungry, especially after not finishing my lunch.

I waited in line for my turn. From the corner of my eye, I saw as Cole delivered the food to another customer, smiling and nodding his head. He began to walk back but he was stopped by a girl with light brown hair who had some blonde highlights.

She smiled up at him and they laughed.

I noticed she was very pretty, almost unnaturally so.

I also noticed Cole didn't look that bad when he smiled. In fact, he almost looked-

"Hi, what can I get you today?" the lady at the counter asked, successfully snapping me out of my thoughts.

I blushed as I realised I had been thinking about Cole. I was glad she spoke when she did because I did not want to know what I was going to think next.

"Uh...a cappuccino with a blueberry muffin," I said, looking over the menu.

She turned away to make my coffee and I tapped my nails against the counter. She slid my order across the table and I handed her the money.

"Keep the change," I said, walking away.

Taking a seat on a corner table, I took occasional sips of my coffee as well as bites while texting Stacy on my phone.

I couldn't see Cole anywhere and I didn't try and look again.

About an hour later, someone sat down at my table. I looked up and my eyes met Cole.

"You done?"

He nodded. "Yeah, did you get some stuff down?"

I looked at my meagre notes. "Yeah."


A/N : hey guys, okay so this was kinda a sucky chapter and a total filler but I really didn't know what else to write. Um, anyway, thoughts on the new wattpad profile update? I don't like it that much. Oh and thank you all for getting me to 1K reads, I woke up one morning to see the 'k' and I was like full on crazy dancing. So thanks to all you lovelies for getting me so far.

Don't forget to vote, comment and fan if you can! Bye bye and ily.

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