Singto frowned, his pout so obvious: "Why is it only you who P'Yui will give a reward to? Why am I not in the list too?" And he walked towards Krist's manager, complaining already about the injustice of this world. Krist sighed: "He is going to get 'the most oblivious boyfriend ever' award. I swear." He shook his head incredulously and turned, finding himself right into someone's chest. "Careful~", whispered someone as Krist found two hands on his shoulders, trying to help him. Krist backed away politely and finally looked at the person. Ohh it was another alpha and an actor too. Krist tried not to wrinkle his nose at the superior pheromones he was projecting. When in heat, the pheromones tended to affect him a bit more than usual. Was it why he was fantasising about his boyfriend a bit too much? He chuckled inwardly at that thought because it certainly meant that he was going to have more dirty thoughts throughout his heat about his alpha. Damn. 

Giving himself an inward shake, he focused back on the actor in front of him. He smiled at him and reached out for a handshake. "Hello Godt. I was not aware that you are joining the photoshoot." Godt accepted his greeting with a nod and whispered as he inclined his head in a currious way. It looked like he was somehow embarrassed about something and finally he muttered: "You are going to find it very annoying and maybe very rude too but I completely forgot your name." Krist gave out a fake gasp and inclined his head, his voice teasing and his eyes twinkling with mischief: "Might I ask who I am in your mind?" He usually knew alpha actors did not tend to even know his existence, no matter how popular he was now. And he was used to it. In fact, he loved to make jokes out of it. Because for real this did not affect him much.

Godt winced and said: "This is too embarrassing." Hearing this, the omega now totally wanted to know and he lifted his eyebrow in response. And the alpha finally whispered, looking very ashamed of himself: "The omega actor." Krist's eyes widened in surprise and he threw his head back as he laughed. A temporary silence in the studio as they all reacted to his laugh. Even Singto forgot about his task about his reward too and turned to look at his boyfriend. Krist's glittering skin was all on display as he arched his neck back to laugh heartily. The embarrassed smile of the young man in front of him certainly did not escape Singto's eyes. He was about to growl possessively when P'Yui stopped him: "Don't forget you are in public. Your future mate is an actor. You are an actor too, Your Highness. You too are being closely scrutinised by your fans and the public itself because of your status. Any scandal about you two will reflect on the company and on your reputations too."

Singto turned to look at Krist's manager and said through gritted teeth: "This delectable omega laughing right there and looking so sexy is mine, P. I know he is an actor. I know he is going to smile at everyone because that's his job. And he always does his job marvelously. But that certainly does not change the fact that he is my omega and that I will feel jealous a bit... Right?" The last part of his sentence was said so pitifully and with a pout that even the woman had to chuckle. She patted his shoulder: "As long as you understand, Your Highness." Singto inclined his head as he turned back to look at Krist. "I do.. I do understand..", he whispered to himself and his mood lifted a bit as he saw his omega turn his head and grin at him, his eyes showing much warmth for his Singto. His alpha smiled back and sighed. His baby was looking so beautiful today. P'Yui hummed an answer next to him and Singto nodded absently at what she said. Re-processing her sentence in his head, his eyes widened in surprise as he realised that it was true. "He is always projecting a sweeter image when he is in heat."

Pondering on that fact would only torture him more. It would just feed his jealousy and possessiveness but he could not help it. He stood there, watching how other alphas just migrated towards his Krist. The manager next to him whispered again: "And you cannot just kidnap him either." Singto turned to her and whispered back: "Stop reading my mind!" P'Yui laughed. And Singto turned back to watch his omega under his lashes. Covertly. But he could not do it for long because the photographer approached him to ask a few questions, distracting him from his covert mission. P'Yui shook her head and started to check other common works that Kirst had with Singto with his manager, P'Jane. Those fan meetings were a lot to deal with. Especially now that these two announced that they were officially boyfriends. And the P'Jane had a lot to catch up with since the previous manager was sacked. By Singto. He simply hated the fact that Achara was the one who came to show his mother that photo of Mika and Krist together. 

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