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Red's POV

I woke up to the bright sun it was 6 AM I woke up this earlier most days, well, ever since I got "the wolf" in me. Usually I just lay on my bed till everyone woke up. 

Today for some reason I got up and walk outside. Sitting down on the driveway I looked up at the sun coming up. I hear the door groan and shut quietly. 

Looking up I see Sabrina, Daphne's older sister. I don't think she completely trusts me yet. Mostly cause I tried to kill her and her family and now I have the wolf in me. 

I understand but it doesn't mean I like it. "Hi," I say to her. She flinches I guess she didn't notice me till I said hi.

 "Oh hi, Red," she said quietly. I wasn't sure if she was so quiet because she didn't want to wake up anyone or if something was wrong. "Are you ok," I asked her. "I guess" she sighed and looked away.

 "Wanna talk about it," I asked awkwardly. She looked at me weirdly but sat down next to me anyway. "What's there to talk about?" "How your feeling, what's going on with you, anything really but you seem off." 

She nodded, "I guess my dad doing that messed me up," the she looked down. "I shouldn't feel sorry for myself other people, like you, for instance have had it worse." 

I looked at her, "your not feeling sorry for yourself, your grieving. Look, yeah, other people have had it worse but we all grieve. It's been a long time that's why I'm over what happened. You need time and you need to realize you people who are there for you. We are going to help you, no matter what."

''Red, thank you. I know I haven't been very trusting or excepting... I'm going to change, your a good person and I should've realized that a long time ago," she smiles hesitantly before giving me a hug, probably to sort of ask if its okay. I didn't expect it but I hug her back and smile.

After that we sit quietly and watch the sun rise for a while before heading inside and going our separate ways.

Puck's POV

I wake up and walk downstairs like a zombie toward the smell of food. Marshmallow and the old woman are already at the table, so is the puppet boy and Canis. 

I hear the door open and see Grimm and Red walk in their both smiling subtly which is unusual, seeing as they aren't very close. They both sit down at their spot around the table and start eating. 

I gobble down my food making as much mess as possible but still eating as much food as I can. Grimm isn't eating barely any of her food like usual.

 Groaning I realized we have to go to hell today, I mean, school.  I get up and get ready for school when I walk out into the hallway I bump into Grimm and we both blush. 

She recovers quickly and punches me in the arm, "watch were your going fairy boy or you'll regret it." 

The blue haired girl storms of into her room to get ready. I'm guessing the only reason she didn't completely kill me was because she had to get ready. 

I see her come out her room wearing a white top with a jean jacket over it and black pants. 

She looks gorgeous, wait what am I saying, she's as ugly as always.  

Grimm pushes past me scowling, obviously still mad so I smirk hoping to piss her off more. 

When we get to school she complaining about her blue hair, I don't know why I think it looks amazing on her, well as amazing as ugly can get.   I watch her as she walks to her group which basically contains Bella, Marshmallow, Toby, and some girl named Jessica. 

I walk over to my friends Eric and Dale. Dale points at Grimm, "good job with Sabrina." He said laughing. 

Eric shrugged lazily, "I think she looks hot like that." 

Dale hit the other boy with his elbow, "shut up you know that's Puck's girl," he winked at me. "No, she's not. I don't even like her," I said rolling my eyes before walking away from them. 

"Sureee," the both said from behind me.

                                                     After School

Red, Marshmallow, and Pinocchio walked home together by themselves. Leaving me alone with Grimm, which I'm pretty sure they did on purpose.

I started talking after about fifteen minutes of silence, "so uh sorry about this morning. I wasn't paying attention." 

"The Trickster King is apologizing?" Grimm said suspiciously before she kept walking. 

I blushed slightly, "so?" I grabbed her hand to stop her. 

For some reason I felt a rush of emotions probably that stupid puberty virus she gave me.

Grimm looked at me surprised and slightly annoyed, "what?"

I looked deep into her ocean blue eyes hesitantly before finally spitting it out, "Sabrina, I like-" 

Before I could finish three people stumbled out of the trees next to us. 

They were covered in dirt and did not look very good much less alive. 

Grimm narrowed her eyes in shock and so did I. Neither of us could really believe what we had just seen, "Briar Rose, Morgan, Mordred, how?"

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