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                                                                              Sabrina's POV 

I put on a tank-top over my black bikini, I didn't like going swimming in the lake but there's no local pools anywhere close.

 I slip on shorts and walk downstairs waiting for everyone else to join. When they get down I wave at them signaling to follow me and we head out the door to the lake.

At the lake

(So this is what the lake looks like by the way.)

                                                         Then when you walk further

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                                                         Then when you walk further.. 

                                                                      Then even farther

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                                                                      Then even farther...

                                      This is where they'll be hanging out at today

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                                      This is where they'll be hanging out at today

                                                           Still Sabrina's POV

As usual the sight of the lake took my breath away, that still doesn't mean I like swimming in that water. 

I took off my tank-top and shorts causing Puck's jaw to drop all because he saw me in a bikini. I rolled my eyes, "close your mouth Fairy Boy." I earned a giggle from Daphne from that comment. 

Then we all got covered in water because Elvis, the great dane, decided to jump in which made a huge splash. 

Well there goes my not getting water on me idea, I shrug and wade in letting the water cover my legs at least. 

I wince slightly at the coldness of it then look around, Daphne, Red, and Puppet Boy, are splashing each other not seeming to care about the cold. 

Puck flew behind one of the waterfalls and disappeared. 

I went to go sit down on a rock, the waters so cold

I watched Scarlet, Pinocchio, and my sister play. 

Looking down I found some sand by the edge of the water and decided to build a sand castle, which I hadn't done in years. 

I felt like a little kid but it was ok, I was enjoying myself, it had been a while since I was this happy. 

Soon the younger kids had joined in on building the sand castle.

 I looked up to see Puck flying out of the tunnel behind the waterfall. He landed next to us, "what in the world are you guys doing?" " Building a sandcastle," I answered. "What's that suppose to mean?"  

I almost couldn't believe my ears, "you've never built a sandcastle?" He shook his head, then I explained what a sandcastle was. 

After an hour we had built an amazing sand castle. And then we started splashing each other, it was a really amazing day. I looked down at my phone and found a panicked text from Granny. 

I hadn't checked my phone the whole time we've been here and we've been here for... 2 and 1/2 HOURS!? I text my granny back telling her where we were and we were headed home. 

"Guy's we got to go.. like.. now," I said and they looked at me.

 I told them what time it was and showed them the text from granny. Puck just shrugged but the little ones looked a bit more worried. 

When we got home Granny ran up to us, "Liebling's you worried me! Puck, Sabrina, why didn't you answer your phones!?" 

I shrugged, "we were building sandcastles and playing in the water I didn't exactly have my phone on me." She sighed and shook her head "fine.. I guess. Just next time tell us where you are going and answer your phone.

Uncle Jake walked up and Granny walked away shaking her head "how was the meeting?" I asked. 

"It went well Snow said she was gonna share joint custody over mayor ship with Charming and they also got engaged. Other then that nothing important."

Puckabrina and the Grimm SistersWhere stories live. Discover now