
When I entered the time bureau, the first person who saw me was Gary.

„Director Sharpe is not here" he said before I could even say something.

„What?" That was weird. Ava would never miss work for anything.
„Where is she?"

„I'm not sure, but according to snapchat, she is in her apartment" Gary said and showed me his phone.

Really? He was stalking Ava on snapchat?
I mean, I didn't even know that this was a thing.
„Well thank you, this helped a lot. But you should really stop stalking Ava, that's not cool, that's creepy"

„But it's fun!" Gary said, before I turned around and quickly left the time bureau again, to make my way to Ava's house.

The door was unlocked, fortunately, and it still smelled exactly the same like when I had lived here for a while.
I first went in the kitchen, but when I couldn't find her there, I decided to look for her in the bedroom.
When I slowly opened the door, I could hear that the TV was playing and Ava was lying in her bed, sleeping.
I watched her for a while and just stared at her perfect face and the way her lips where sometimes moving in her sleep.
Her hair where spread all over her face, but she still looked so beautiful.

Carefully, I sat down on the bedside and watched her sleeping.
I didn't really want to wake her up, even though I actually wanted to talk to her.
But just watching her was totally fine with me.

I couldn't say how much time had passed, it could have been 20 minutes or even one hour, but then Ava suddenly opened her eyes and stared right into mine.

Did I mention how much I loved her eyes?
They were so blue and I got always lost in them, when I started staring for too long.

„Sara" Ava mumbled, but then quickly sat up.
„What the hell are you doing here? In my apartment??"

I looked down on the floor and searched for the right words.
On my way here, I had tried to think about something good to say, but in this moment I has forgotten everything again.
How could someone make you feel so much love?

„I..-" I started.
„I wanted to talk to you... again"
I swallowed heavily.

„Didn't we talk the last time?" Ava asked and looked at me.
I could see pain in her eyes, but also something else, that I couldn't really read.

„Ava, I am sorry that we fought, because I didn't tell you about the fugitive, but there is nothing I want more than to make this right.
I don't regret my decision, but I wish that you could see why I did this.
I know that you are mad because Hank could have fired you. I don't even know if he did.
But I would never, never do something to harm you" I said and tears appeared in my eyes again.
Why did I need to start crying now?

"Sara it's not about this time and you know that. I get why you did it, but that's not how we can make thing work.
If you have a fugitive, you need to hand it over to the time bureau, so we can take care of it.
This is how this thing works" Ava replied and I slowly nodded.

„I know, but you know me and sometimes I act like I act, because I believe that this is the right decision and usually it is.
I'm the captain of my team and I need to make sure, that everyone is okay and sometimes even the fugitives become a part of my team, and then I need to take care of them and I always need to make sure that we don't break history"

Ava lowered her head and stared at her blankets.
"To be honest, it really was the right decision. We would have probably made the creature even more uncomfortable or just mad.
Now she's dead, which isn't exactly better, but at least she isn't tormented anymore"
Ava agreed and then looked at me again.
"But I really can't risk to lose my job, every time you change your mind about something or act differently. I just can't do this"
Now she had tears in her eyes too but it seemed to not bother her.

„I don't want to be the reason that you lose your job or that you are unhappy, because then it's not worth it.
I just want to be the reason for you to stand up in the morning, knowing you have someone who loves you, because I do love you, Ava.
I know that I'm not that kind of person who is always romantic or something, but you can believe me when I tell you that you are the most important part in my life and I don't want to lose you"
I looked at her again, the tears had left my eyes now and were running down my cheeks.
Ava was crying too and took my hand.

„I -"
She wiped away her tears, but they didn't stop falling.
„I don't want to let go, Sara. If I did, I would be a fool, because I have never felt something strong and beautiful like when I am with you and I will not give it up.
I will not give us up.
I love you more than anything else and I.. I just want you to be my love. Forever"

Ava sniffled and I smiled softly.
„That I can do"
I pulled her close and put my hands on her cheeks.
Ava smiled, closed her eyes and put her lips on mine.
I softly moved my lips against hers put on of my hands on her neck, so I could pull her even closer.

„God I missed you"
Ava whispered after we broke the kiss.

„I missed you more" I contradicted.
„And by the way.."

Ava frowned.

„You should really turn off the function that everyone is able to see your location on snapchat, because Gary is stalking you which is just creepy. I should be the only person who is allowed to stalk you" I said and smiled at her.

„GARY can see my location on snapchat?? I didn't even know we were friends! I mean, on snapchat. But yeah.. thanks. I'll make sure you're the only person who is allowed to stalk me"
She quickly gave me a kiss on my cheek, before I pulled her in for another kiss.

Yayy my second one shot :)
I must say, it was really fun to write and I'm also kind of proud, that it didn't took me that long to write haha.
I hope you guys enjoyed it

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