On the road

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"Kenny, wait up!" I ran towards Kenny, crutches moving as fast as they could go. I rammed into him when he made a sudden stop. "Ooh, Kenny, why did you stop?" I asked, readjusting my crutches. "Well, we're on route 15, right?" He asked. "No, this is route 16, you idiot!" "Just making sure you knew where we are..." He mumbled. I laughed. "You were always so disorganised as a  kid. Glad to see that trait still shows through... C'mon, you were wrong. Let's just continue up on ahead." I nudged his shoulder a bit, and continued walking. 

We walked through several patches of grass, and saw lots of different Pokémon. "Pumpka! Boo boo Pum!" A very, very large pumpkin like creature burst out from the grass. "Whoa!" I yelled, grabbing my Pokédex, and scanning the Pokémon. "Gourgeist, the pumpkin Pokémon. It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms. It sings joyfully as it observes the suffering of its prey. On nights of a new moon, it will wander around, singing. Anyone who hears this song is cursed" "Hah, creepy. Oh well, it's cute, isn't it Kenny?" I asked. "Y-Y-Yeah, I guess.Can we just go-" "I'M GONNA CATCH YOU, GOURGEIST! Go, Froakie!" I tossed out Froakie. "Fra!" "Use water pulse on the Gourgeist!" "Froakie!" "Gour!" A pink ball of light surrounded the Gourgeist, as the water pulse hit. "Gourgeist!" The Gourgeist formed a shadow ball, and tossed it at Froakie. "Fra!" The shadow ball connected with Froakie, tossing him back. "Gah. Hit it with a... a... a whatever! Just weaken it!" "Froa!" Froakie formed a large disk of water in his hands, and threw it at the Gourgeist. "Gra!" The Gourgeiust flew bak, and hit a tree, as it fainted. "Great job, Froakie! Froakie?" I looked at froakie, and saw that he had passed out. "Huh?" "Destiny bond. It was Destiny bond."

Kenny and I turned around to see a woman in denim jeans, a camo top, and a denim jacket standing behind us. She had striking crystal blue eyes, and two very large Pokémon stood beside her. "Gourgeist used destiny bond, a move that makes the Pokémon that made her faint, faint as well. I'm Artemis Knight. This is Dragonite, and beside her is Suicune. It's a pleasure to meet you." She held out a hand to us. "I'm Amber, and this is Froakie. Sorry, but I need to catch this Gourgeist. Will you exscuse me for a minute?" I turned around, grabbed a Pokéball, and threw it at the Gourgeist. It caught the Gourgeist, and shook three times, before finally closing with a satisfactory click. "Yeah! I caught Gourgeist! Anyways, nice to meet you. This is Kenny." I shook her hand. "Hm. Nice to meet you as well. I suspect that you're going to Dendemille town?" She asked. "Yeah actually. We were just pasisng by here to get there, actually." Said Kenny. "Ah, I see. I'd be glad to escort you guys through the rest ofthe route. Would you mind?" "Not at all!" I said, smiling. "We beter get There before it gets dark, though. It will get late very soon." She said. We all walked through the rest of the route,  sharing our interests, and getting to know eachother more. Before we knew, it was pouring rain, and we were standing in Dendemille town.

"Well, I must be leaving. My team needs to stretch their legs a bit. Goodbye." She walked away. "Wait!" I called aftter her. "Will I ever see you again?" "Hmm... We will let fate decide that. I think we will. Someday, somewhere, our paths will cross once again, and we will see eachother whenever that time comes. Farewell, until we meet again." She turned around, and left without saying another word. I loked up at the sky, and saw a large, burning figure of a pinkish hue. I walked into the Pokémon Centre, and grabbed out my Pokéballs, handing them to nurse Joy. I sat down, looking at the Pokéball I had rescued all that time ago. "Until we meet again, Artemis Knight. Until we meet again."

Pokemon AmberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora